Thursday 3 June 2021


    The goal of this session is still similar with previous meeting about how to find the main ideas and supporting details from the dialogues but the discussion is different. Today, the topic is in the office. It is chosen as a a topic of interpretative listening subject since it could be used for the students' real works further. Therefore, the students have to know and to understand the messages found in the dialogues including their main ideas and supporting details. The students also should consider the situation or the context while searching the ideas and the details in a conversation. Thus, they could recognise the messages and response what they have heard in appropriate ways. To practise this topic, the students have to listen to this video taken from English Speaking Course YouTube Channel. After that they have to find the main ideas and supporting details in its conversation. Answer these following questions  'Do the speakers and listeners achieve each goals?', 'What are kinds of expressions used by them to do that?', and 'Do they communicate effectively? and give reasons if your answer is yes or not'. Put your ideas in my comment column in this blog.  


  1. Im Mahzar sulana 181230095 mm from the video dialogue that I observed, the communication was very effective, it could be seen from how the speaker and the interlocutor could understand what topic was being discussed, then body gestures also supported, the video was good at displaying text and very easy to understand...

  2. Name : Annisa Cikal Mujahidah
    Nim : 201230013
    Class : TBI 2A
    1. yes of course the speaker and listeners achieve each goals, this is because the speaker in the video deliver the dialog with brief and to the point, it makes the listeners easy to understanding.
    2. according to the video, there are so many kind of expression is, such as expression of greeting, expression of agreement, expression of Opinion,and then expression of offering.
    3. yes, the speakers communicate the dialog effectively, I got the point of context of the dialogue being talked about.

  3. Name : maharani
    Nim : 201230017

    1. yes of course the speaker and listeners achieve each goals, this is because the speaker in the video deliver it makes the listeners easy to understanding.
    2. there are many kind of expression is, such as expression of greeting, expression of agreement, expression of Opinion,and then expression of offering.
    3. yes, the speakers communicate the dialog effectively.

  4. Name:Tatu Maftuhah
    1)yes of course the speaker and listeners achieve each goals, this is because the communication was very effective, the video was good at displaying text and very easy to understand...

    2). there are many kind of expression is, such as expression of greeting, expression of agreement, expression of Opinion,and then expression of offering.

    3).. yes, the dialog effectively.

  5. Name : Siti Yuliana Tantri
    Class : TBI II A
    Nim : 201230007

    1. Of course the speaker and listener achieve their respective goals, this is because the communication is very effective, the video is good at displaying the text and is very easy for the audience to understand.

    2. There are many kinds of expressions, such as greeting expressions, agreeing expressions, opinion expressions, giving opinions and then offering expressions.

    3. Yes, the dialogue is effective.

  6. Name: Zharifah Muthi'ah Zahra
    SRN: 201230028
    Class: TBI 2A

    1. As a listener yes i do, they've a effective dialogue and the text of the dialogue it's make easier for the all listener.

    2. They do some expressions like: greeting, apology, ability and disability, offering, warning and advising expressions.

    3. Yes they do, in my opinion the dialogue is very effectively and easy to understand, because the speakers explain each discussion well and clearly, and there is also a text for the dialogue that makes it easier for us listeners.

  7. Name: Zakia Umami
    Class: TBI 2A
    NIM: 201230014

    1. Absolutely yes, they have succeeded achieving their goals, they made a project plan, introduced the main parts of the plan and agreed to the items of the draft agreements, they talked about many plans to made products well known to everyone, they did it and have been successful.

    2. In the diaoluge of the video they do a lot of expressions used such as offering, being responsible, give many opinions and suggestions, reminding each other, apology, appreciates to people and their expressions are very nice and polite to anyone.

    3. Yes of course, they are very kind and polite when they talk and apologize when they make a mistake they do speak very slowly, effectively and make us understand the dialogue in the video.

  8. Name : Siti Mahdiah
    Nim : 201230024
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. Obviously, the speakers and listeners achieve their goals because I personally understand their dialogue and I think their dialogue is clear and the meaning reaches the listener.

    2. According to video, the are many kinds of expressions. Such as:
    - Greeting Expression: 'Good Morning!'
    - Asking Suggestions : 'Do you have any suggestion?'
    - Asking Permission : 'May I come in?'
    - Expressing Hope : 'I hope you'll like your job'
    And many more expression used in dialogue.

    3. Yes, Their communication is effective because it is easy to understand.

  9. Name:Neng Restiyana Dwiyanti


    1.Of course yes, because the speaker uses words that are easily understood by the listener.

    2.from this video using types of expressions, namely there are many kinds of expressions, such as greeting expressions, agreeing expressions, opinion expressions, and then offering expressions.

    3.yes they speak very effectively, because the dialogue in this video is very easy to understand with light words not heavy for listeners to understand.

  10. Nama : Ipah Latipah
    Nim : 201230015
    Class : Tbi_2a

    1. Of course yes, they have achieved their goals, they made a project plan, introduced the main parts of the plan and agreed on the points of the draft agreement, they talked about many plans to make the product known to everyone, they did that and it has worked.

    2. From this video, they used there are many kinds of expressions, such as greeting expressions, agreeing expressions, opinion expressions, and then offering expressions.

    3. yes, In think they speak effectively, because the dialogue in this video is very easy to understand.

  11. Name : Yana Amalia
    NIM : 191230030
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. Absolutely, yes.
    The dialogue of the video consists of eight topic discussion about ‘work/job at the office’. They are reporting work, accepting assigns work, being praised, explaining faults, making proposal, asking for resignation, applying for a job transfer, and asking for manual leave. The speakers and listeners achieve each goals because the conversation both of them is very clear. The messege of each topic can deliver as very well.

    2. Kind of Expressions
    Overall, In my point of view, the dialogue of the each topic use polite and formal expressions. We can consider about the choice words of the conversation.
    In addition, there are many expressions which can we use for daily conversation of the dialogues. Such as :
    a. Asking for Permission
    e.g.: “Excuse me, May I come in?”
    b. Asking for Help
    e.g.: “Could you introduce me to ...”
    c. Asking for Suggestion
    e.g.: “Do you have any suggestion”
    d. Giving Help
    e.g.: “Of course/Sure”
    e. Asking for Information
    e.g.: “When is your next meeting?”
    f. Asking for Apologize
    e.g.: “I’m terribly sorry”
    g. Expressing Praise
    e.g.: “you really did a good job”

    3. Absolutely, yes.
    They communicate effectively because both of them (speaker and listener) have good conversation. They can convey the messege of the topic very well and related.

  12. Name : Wafa Mawaddah
    NIM : 201230023
    Class : 2A TBI

    -main idea : dialogue at work(office)

    - supporting details : the dialogue tell listener how to communicate at work, such as how to reporting work, accepting assigns work, bring praised, explaining faults, making proposals, asking for resignation, applying for a job transfer, asking for annual leave.

    1. Yes of course, because dialogue at work must be polite, simple, and always used to direct conversation.

    2. According to the video there are many expressions when listener and speakers got conversation. Conversation at work have different expressions one each other, for example the expressions of reporting work are different when explaining faults, and they also have different respons expressions.

    3. Yes, the dialogue at the video have Communicate effectively because they always used direct conversation.

  13. Name : Zalva Syah Fitri
    NIM : 201230026
    Class : TBI - 2A

    1.Yes, absolutely.
    Both the speakers and the listeners achieve their goals since their conversations are very clear. Each topic's message also can be delivered effectively.

    2. They utilize a lot of expressions throughout the video's dialogue, such as offering, being responsible, giving numerous thoughts and recommendations, reminding each other, apologizing to people, and appreciating people, and their expressions are really polite and kind to everyone.

    3.Yes, in my opinion, the dialogue is very effective and easy to understand because the speakers clearly explain each topic, and there is a text for the dialogue that makes it easy for us to follow along.

  14. Name: Melinda Hestiana
    NIM: 201230037
    Class: TBI 2A

    1. As a listener yes. because the communication is very effective, the video is good at displaying the text and easy for the audience to understand and have an effective dialogue. The dialogue of the video consists of eight topic discussions about ‘job at the office’. They are reporting work, accepting assigned work, being praised, explaining faults, making proposals, asking for resignation, applying for a job transfer, and asking for manual leave. The speakers and listeners also achieve each goal because the conversation between both of them is very clear. The message of each topic can deliver as very well.

    2. In my opinion, each topic dialogue uses polite and formal and kind expressions to everyone. We can consider the choice of words of the conversation. In addition, there are many expressions which can we use for daily conversation of the dialogues such as greeting expressions, agreeing on expressions, opinion expressions, giving opinions, and then offering expressions.

    3. Good for yes, the dialogue is very effective because both of them have good conversation. They can convey the message of the topic very well and related, very easy to understand. because the speakers explain each discussion well and clearly, and there is also a text for the dialogue that makes it easier for us as listeners to follow.

  15. Name : Muhammad Khaeirul Rizqi
    Class : 2A TBI
    NIM : 201230029
    The answer
    Main idea : official business conversation
    Supporting details : in the dialogue discussed a lot of business such as work reporting, being praised, explaing fault, and making purpose
    1.Of course they reached the meaning of agreement, because with a lot of data they conveyed clearly and could understand each other, and mutually benefit,
    2. after watching the video, they can express their conversation according to their circumstances such as an expression of apologizing or when reporting their work so that the other person can understand what they are saying,
    3. Yes, their communication is effective, because the other person is speaking they can understand the direction of the conversation and read the expressions in the conversation.

  16. Name:Dila irasanti
    Class:2A TBI

    1. And As a listener yes i do, they've a effective dialogue and the text of the dialogue it's make easier for the all listener.

    2. They do some expressions like: greeting, apology, ability and disability, offering, warning and advising expressions.

    3. Yes they do, in my opinion the dialogue is very effectively and easy to understand, because the speakers explain each discussion well and clearly, and there is also a text for the dialogue that makes it easier for us listeners

  17. Name: Alfi Hidayat
    NIM: 201230030
    Class: TBI 2 A

    1. They (the speaker and the listener) achieve the goal well. We can see from2the communication. Its communication is good and can be understood well. So, I say 'Yes'
    2. From the video, there are some expressions:
    1. Asking for permission
    2. Asking for Help
    3. Asking for suggestions
    4. Offering help
    5. Asking for apologize
    3. According to myself, they communicate effectively. We can understand the purpose from what they were talking about. I decided to say 'Yes, the commutation is going effective'

  18. Name : Ratu Shania
    Nim : 201230016
    Class : TBI2A

    1.Yes, of course, because every word used by the speaker is so clear that the listener can easily understand it.

    2.I think the video uses a variety of expressions such as offer expressions, greeting expressions, and opinion expressions.

    3.In my opinion, "yes" because each sentence is clear, and the subject is light, making it easy to understand.

  19. Siti Hayatun Nisa
    TBI 2A

    1.Yes, the speaker and listeners achieve each goals, this is because the speaker in the video deliver the dialog very clearly and easily understood by listeners, especially myself.

    2. Based on the video I watched, there are so many kind of expression is in the video such as:
    1. Expression of greeting
    2. Expression of agreement
    3. Expression of Opinion
    4. Expression of offering
    5. Asking for Apologize
    6. Asking for Help
    7. Asking for Information

    3. Yes, the speakers communicate the dialog effectively so I can catch the gist of the video was good at displaying text and very easy to understand.


  20. Name : Asmawati
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230039

    1. yes, the speaker and the listener achieve the goal well. We can see from the communication. The communication is good and can be understood well.

    2. From the video there are some expressions:
    1. Asking permission
    2. Asking for help
    3. Asking for advice
    4. Asking for help
    5. Asking for pologize

    3. Yes, I personally think, they communicate effectively. We can understand the purpose of what they are talking about.

  21. Name: Dwi Febriyanti
    Grade: TBI 2 A
    NIM: 201230020

    1. Yes, they achieved on each the goals so well
    2. Asking permission, offering introduce something, asking suggestions or advice, asking help.
    3. Yes, they're dialog effectively because their topics and the body language easy to understanding.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Nama : Hayatun Nufus
    Nim : 201230019
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. Yes, because the speaker and listeners achieve each goals, this is because the speaker in the video deliver it makes the listeners easy to understanding.
    2. there are many kind of expression is, such as expression of greeting, expression of agreement, expression of Opinion,and then expression of offering.
    3. yes, the speakers communicate the dialog effectively.

  24. Nama : Ana rosaliatul hasanah
    Nim : 201230036
    Kelas : TBI 2A

    1. Yes. Both the speakers and the listeners achieve their goals. Because the conversation are very clear.
    2. Asking for permission
    Asking for help
    Asking for apologize
    3. Yes. The Dialogue very effective and easy to understand.

  25. Name : Mohammad Mizab Prasetyo
    Nim : 201230005
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. Of course, because the speaker speaks clearly and understandably, the tempo of the speaker makes it easier for listeners to understand and reach their goals.

    2. According to the video, There are many kinds of expressions, such as greeting expressions, agreeing expressions, giving opinions and then offering expressions.

    3. Yes, they do

  26. Name : Alya Rifqoh Rahmawati
    NIM : 201230009
    Class : TBI - 2A

    1. Yes, that's right because the conversation from the video is very clear and good at displaying of the text, it's make easier for the listener. And also the message of each video can deliver as very well.

    2. They do a lot of expressions used, such as expression of greeting, expression of agreement, expression of asking, expression of apology, expression of opinion and expressions of offering.

    3. Yes, their communication is very effective, the speakers explain of the message can be conveyed concisely and clearly, the listener can understand of the purpose from what they were talking about.

  27. Name : Sriyanti
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230032

    1. Certainly, yes. The speakers and the listeners achieve each goals, because their conversation very clear.
    2. There are many kind of expressions, such as greeting, ability and disability, asking for permission, asking for suggestion, asking for apologize, etc.
    3. Certainly, yes. They are communicate effectively, because their using a simple vocabularies and easy to understand . The speakers and the listeners nothing a miss communication.

  28. Name : Anisa Mailawati
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230018

    1. Absolutely Yes, as a listener is very clear conversations. The video displaying text, so it's makes easy for me to understand. The dialog have eight topic discussion about work.

    2. There are many kind of expressions
    - Ask for Suggestion
    - Ask for Apologize
    - Ask for Permission
    - Ask for Help

    3. Yes, they communicate very effective. We can understand the purpose of what they are talking about.

  29. Name: Mutia Hernata
    Class: 2 A - TBI
    Student ID Number: 201230004

    1. Yes, I think the speakers and listeners achieved their goals because the speakers delivered the clear dialogues and because it the listeners understood the dialogues easily and got the meaning.

    2. There are kinds of expressions used in the dialogues:
    a. Asking for suggestions
    b. Giving for praise
    c. Asking for forgiveness, etc

    3. Yes, I think Their communication are effective and easy to understand by listeners because the speakers prounounciation is clear and slow.

  30. Name : Huliyatul Jannah
    NIM : 201230022
    Class : TBI-2A
    1. Yes, they achieved on each the goals so well
    2. Asking permission, offering introduce something, asking suggestions or advice, asking help.
    3. Yes, they're dialog effectively because their topics and the body language easy to understanding.
