Wednesday 9 June 2021


    In this session, we study about the relationship among language, thought and culture. Language as one of communication tools can not be separated with the brain processes and culture. Why does it relate to them? People as social creatures could not live alone. To fulfill their needs and wants, they deliver ideas to others. Therefore, they share information among their community. Their ideas do not only come from the brain processes but also take from their environments. Thus, they will have varied responses for similar information. It refers that each brain will work on the available information and the data based on their own cultures. Therefore, people who have lived abroad could be arguing different perspective facing local problem such as jobless. What they make either in spoken or written text might be contributed by their brains and cultures. The system of brain have been studied in the previous chapter. Now, we learn about culture and how it connects to language and thought. Halliday (1994) states that culture is one of context in people's communication. They create varied information or fact as the brains' data to be spoken language or written language as text considering the context. After reading some articles given to you in WAG, please answer these following questions?. Then, write your ideas in my blog's comment column.

1. which one of the topics is doing by people to reach their goals?

2. explain how do language, thought, and culture connect each other?      

3. what do you think of social basis of language? why does it learn as the psycholinguistics' discussion? 


  1. Faathir Muhammad A (181230124)
    2.To fulfill their needs and wants, they deliver ideas to others. Therefore, they share information among their community. Their ideas do not only come from the brain processes but also take from their environments. Thus, they will have varied responses for similar information. It refers that each brain will work on the available information and the data based on their own cultures.
    3. Because it would be impove some connections to the other sides

  2. Name : Rahmania Aulia
    SRN : 181230136
    Class : TBI 6 D
    1. The social basis of language
    2. Of course relate with though because we have control to convey language in our mind
    Language as tool for interact each other whatever the language especially for every society has its own culture; and different subgroups within a society may have their own distinctive
    subculture. Herder's promotion of the word culture in this sense was bound up with this thesis of the
    interdependence of language and thought, on the one hand, and, on the other, with his view that a nation's
    language and culture were manifestations of its distinctive national spirit or mind.
    3. Language as first tool to communicate in society so in psycholinguistic also learn about 4 language skill that make easier for us although different language we can learn it

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Assalamualaikum wr. Wb
    My name is entol arie soffanuddien (18120035) , let me answer mrs:
    1) I think the most important topic is language, because language is the main key to getting to know various cultures. so that language has a universal nature, for example English which is the official language in countries such as America, Singapore, Australia, etc.
    2) the relationship between the three lies in the accents brought in each culture, then language is often associated as a source of information to recognize various insights.
    3) linking language to social issues in which there are various interactions. because this is the initial capital to establish communication relationships and expand knowledge

  5. Name : Hafizh Prasetyo Wibowo
    SRN : 181230149
    Class : TBI 6 D
    1. The social basis of language
    2. Of course it relates to though because we have the control to convey the language in our mind
    Language as a tool to interact with each other regardless of the language, especially because every society has its own culture; and different subgroups within a society may have their own characteristics Sub culture. Herder's promotion of the word culture in this sense is related to this thesis the interdependence of language and thought, on the one hand, and, on the other, with his view that language and culture are manifestations of its distinctive national spirit or mind.
    3. Language as the first tool to communicate in society, psycholinguistics also learns about four language skills that make it easier for us, even though we have different languages, we can learn them.

  6. Khaerani Nurfadilah
    TBI 6D

    1. The social basis of language
    2. People as social creatures could not live alone. To fulfill their needs and wants, they deliver ideas to others. Therefore, they share information among their community. Their ideas do not only come from the brain processes but also take from their environments. Thus, they will have varied responses for similar information. It refers that each brain will work on the available information and the data based on their own cultures. Therefore, people who have lived abroad could be arguing different perspective facing local problem such as jobless. What they make either in spoken or written text might be contributed by their brains and cultures.
    3. The language first learned is called one's native language or mother tongue; both of these terms are figurative in that the knowledge of particular languages is not inherited but learned behavior. And in Psycholinguistic will learn several kinds of language skill that can make easy for us to different language.

  7. Hayu Amalia
    TBI 6A

    1. The topic is communication in society to deliver people's ideas to others or say what they want and they need. So, they can reach their goals.

    2 . Culture is one of context in people's communication. They create varied information as the brains' data to be spoken language or written language as a people's thought.

    3. It becomes one of psycholinguistics' topics because it refers how brain processes to work on the available information and the data based on their own cultures. In other words,what they make either in spoken or written text might be contributed by their brains and cultures. 

  8. Name: Pipit Evie Ana (181230139)
    Class: TBI 6 D

    1. The social basis of language
    2. The connection between language, thought and culture is deeply rooted. Language can be interpreted as a symbol of the human vocal system that used as a tool for thinking, forming we are mind, and to understand the mind of other person. Thought is place to process all information that we obtain and also place to process all Information that we want to utterance. The results of thought process and language we know as culture.
    3. The social basis of language is a communication tools can not be separated with the brain process and culture. Because the social basis of language include into 4 language skills, listening, reading, speaking, and writing. In particular, psycholinguistics helps to understand the four skills of both intrinsic comfort and extrinsic difficulty. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the mistakes that students make in language learning.

  9. Name : Uswatun Aisyah
    Nim : 181230021
    Class : TBI 6A

    1. The Social Basis of Language
    2. Language is an inseparable part of the development of human culture. All activities carried out by humans in
    life, contains elements of language in it. Language and thought have a very close relationship, because with language it is able to change and influence the mind. Language is known as a communication tool or tool of thought, because it is with language that messages are conveyed from the sender of the message (sender) to the recipient of the message (receiver). Language and culture are two different sides of a coin, but the relationship between the two cannot be separated, because language is a mirror of culture and the identity of the speaker. The relationship between language and culture is a subordinate relationship, where language is under the scope of culture. However, there is another opinion which says that language and culture have a coordinative relationship, namely an equal relationship, with the same high position.
    3. Social language is a scientific discipline that studies the relationship between language and society. Sociolinguistic studies try to explain the human ability to use language rules in various situations in social life. Psycholinguistics is the study of language behavior, both visible and invisible behavior. Therefore, social language and psycholinguistics are interrelated.

  10. Annisa Ayundi Prastiwi
    TBI 6A

    1. I think it's interaction. Through interaction, be it verbal or nonverbal, can make a person achieve his/her goals. For example, someone wants help, so s/he can talk or interact with other people by saying "could you help me, please?"

    2. According to Khatib, Tabari, and Mohammadi (2016), Culture can be expressed verbally through language. It is used to maintain and disseminate culture and cultural relations. Many of the categories we use to convey our thoughts are provided by language, therefore it is easy to infer that our thinking is influenced by the language we use.

    3. In my opinion, the social basis of language is how language is used in social life, namely interacting. This topic is discussed in psycholinguistics because it is still related to the production of language and how someone can understand a language so that they can interact.

  11. Name : Siti Mariam
    NIM : 181230130
    TBI VI D

    1. The basis social of language
    2. Language is an integral part of the development of human culture. All the activities that human beings have in their lives, contain the language elements within them. Language also has to do with the preservation of culture, that of subordinate and coordinative relationships. Culture in a circle of communication is the whole system of communication that binds and enables the functioning of a human assembly (society), or system of rules and interactions that enable a society to occur, to be preserved, and to be preserved. Language is a cultural subsystem.

    3. Language is viewed as one behavior on a continuum of communication behaviors, all of which stem from early social interactions. Because Current assumptions about the nature of language and the processes involved in language learning are discussed. Particular attention is given to the effects of severe handicaps on the social processes underlying language acquisition.

  12. Rizkia Nabilah
    TBI 6D

    1. The topic is Social Basis of Language

    2. Language and Culture are two things that cannot be separated. Linguists translation experts between language and culture have a close relationship. A very well-known study on this subject is the Sapir-Whorf theory which states 'The way of thinking or culture of a group of people is determined by the structure of its language'. Piaget, a French scholar said that culture (thought) shapes a person's language. This was the beginning of Piaget's theory of 'cognitive growth'. In contrast to this theory, Vigotsky, a Russian scholar argues that language development is at an early stage before the development of thought (culture) which then meets and gives birth to 'language of mind and language of thought'. Noam Chomsky also likes language because it has a close relationship with culture.

    3. Through psychology we can learn about the attitudes and behavior of students in learning
    acquire and learn language while going through linguistics whereas we can learn about
    the concept and structure of the language itself. The role of Psycholinguistics in language learning is very important because by understanding a person's psycholinguistics the teacher understands the processes that occur within students when students listen, speak, read, or write so that whenever ability in language skills
    problem, rake can see from the angle view of psychology as an alternative solution.

  13. Latifia Khoirunnisa
    TBI 6A

    1). I think the topic of the relationship between language and culture is often done by people with the goal of achieving effective communication.

    2). In terms of culture, the various languages ​​will reflect the cultural richness that exists in the user community. while Thinking cannot be separated from language activities. Therefore, in using language we must think logically and systematically in order to create proper communication and not misinterpret.

    3). The social basis of language is needed in language acquisition to support cognitive development that may start from interactions, friends, environment and others which are also discussed in psycholinguistics because we know that this science discusses linguistic development, in context. This social base is used to provide good feedback from adults to children in their interactions.

  14. Murdevi (181230156)
    TBI 6D

    1. The social basis of language.
    2. Language and thought are related, language is known as a means of communication or a tool of thought, because with language the messages of thought are conveyed to others. Likewise, in relation to culture, language is a very important part inseparable from the development of human culture itself. Because all activities carried out by humans in their lives are related to the elements of language in them.
    3. I think Social basis of language is social behavior learned in a social context, it is a means for interacting, in this context we use language to interact with other people. Because It is through language that we communicate with the world, define our identity, express our history and culture, learn, etc.

  15. Sopia Ranti
    TBI 6 A

    1. Language
    2. The connection between language, thought, and culture is deeply rooted. Language can be interpreted as a symbol of the human vocal system that is used as a tool to think, form our thoughts, and understand the thoughts of others. Thought is a place to process all the information we get and also a place to process all the information we want to express. The result of the thought process and language is what we know as culture.
    3. Social basis of language is social interaction that affects language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterances are conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in a real situation. It also involves emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. It is learned as psycholinguistics' discussion since it is one of the important processes of language acquisition.

  16. Siti Nurkholipah (181230036) TBI 6A
    1. Language, because the language is a communication tool that connects between the language with the thought and language with culture
    2. Language is the symbolic presentation of a nation or a specific community because there is interaction between humans. So that it is related to the culture in it. Then, thought give ways to produce social speech as communication. Thus language affects when remember thing and way to perceive the world.
    3. I think, the social basis of language is social interaction affecting language acquisition and . It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation and it is related with psycholinguistics. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, other people, and environment. So, in the basis of language there is a relationship among language, thought and culture.

  17. Ifazatun Najah (181230002)
    TBI 6A

    1. The social basis of language
    2. The relationship between language, thought and culture is very rooted. Language can be understood as a symbol of the human vocal system that is used as a tool for thinking, shaping our mind, and understanding the thoughts of others. The mind is a place to process all the information we obtain as well as a place to process all the information we want to say. The result of that process of thinking and language is what we know as culture.
    3. In my opinion, the language's social base is needed in language mastering to support cognitive development that may begin with interaction, friends, environment and others that are also discussed in psycholinguistics because we know that it deals with linguistic development, in context. This social base is used to give adults good feedback to children in their interactions.

  18. Name: Syahrini Sovia
    Nim: 181230150
    Class: TBI 6D

    1. The topic is "The Social Basis of Language"
    2. The relationship between language, thought and culture is deeply close and interrelated. Language can be interpreted as a symbol of the human vocal system that used as a tool for thinking, forming we are mind, and to understand the mind of other person. Thought is place to process all information that we obtain and also place to process all Information that we want to utterance. The results of thought process and language we know as culture
    Language and thought is includes on element that builds a culture. When compared, the language and culture are two different sides, but it cannot be separated because the language is a reflection of the culture and the thought identity of the speakers. So to create a good culture in a society depends on how the society was able to think well in extracting a speech language.
    3. •Social interactionists: emphasize the importance of language development through interaction with other.
    •Because the language must occur in the context of meaningful social interaction and it will be very helpful in learning the language.

  19. Name : Afifah Nur Hidayati
    SRN : 181230034
    Class : TBI 6 A

    1. The social basis of language

    2. Language is a part that inseparable from development human culture. Communication is the whole system binding communication and allows a set to work human (society), or system of rules- the rules of communication and interaction enable a society to exist, maintained, and preserved. Language as a cultural subsystem. Language is the enabling factor formation of culture. Language is Sine qua non (must have) for human culture and society. Language is the key to understanding deep into a culture or characteristic that most powerful of social personality someone (Lindgrent's theory).

    3. In my opinion, the social basis of language is used to learn basic languages ​​and to interact with the Social. Like first interaction child with his mother. By learning the basics or how to speak socially. Social interaction that affects language acquisition and development. Included in psycholinguistics because it is still related to language.

  20. Eneng Ifat Fatimah (181230151)
    TBI 6D

    1. The topic is "The social basis of language"

    2. Language and culture are intertwined. A particular language usually points out to a specific group of people. When we interact with another language, it means that you are also interacting with the culture that speaks the language. You cannot understand one’s culture without accessing its language directly.
    When we learn a new language, it not only involves learning its alphabet, the word arrangement and the rules of grammar, but also learning about the specific society’s customs and behavior. When learning or teaching a language, it is important that the culture where the language belongs be referenced, because language is very much ingrained in the culture.

    3. We know that the social basis of language is a communication tools can not be separated with the brain process and culture. Because the social basis of language include into 4 language skills, listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Why psycholinguitic important? because In particular, psycholinguistics helps to understand the four skills of both intrinsic comfort and extrinsic difficulty. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the mistakes that students make in language learning.

  21. Nurafia Widianingsih (181230015) – TBI 6A
    1. In my opinion, the topic is about language because with language people will get information so that it will increase knowledge and experience.
    2. Language, thought, and culture are interconnected because humans are social creatures who cannot live alone so they convey their ideas and thoughts to others, and language is part of culture as a communication tool to get information.
    3. In my opinion, the social basis of language is a process of using language in social life so that someone will get information, knowledge, and experience.

  22. Anita Septiani 181230028
    TBI 6A

    1. I think language because language plays an important role in cognitive development, at least since children improve language competence, are also able to organize their thoughts through culture can help to illuminate the diversity of views.
    2. Language, though and culture connect to each other because language can be viewed as a verbal expression in learning SFL, than language determines thought, it must be remembered that it concentrates on habitual patterns and culture can help to illuminate the diversity of views held toward the use of language. The relationship between them can be a good starting point for any approach to language education.
    3. I think social basis of language is learning language processes, Psycholinguistics views that language and thought are independent and helps psychological factors that may be involved in language learning, psycholinguistics' discussion is able to easily understand a language.

  23. Name : Syiva Ana Eka Putri
    SRN : 181230004
    Class : TBI 6A

    1. Language. Because language is the main communication tool, with language we can interact with other people

    2. Yes, it is very related, because language is the main tool of communication. Language is also the result of thought that is processed by the brain. But language does not only come from brain processes, but from the environment as well. the language is a reflection of the culture and the thought identity of the speakers. So to create a good culture in a society depends on how the society was able to think well in extracting a speech language.

    3. I think social basic language has a relationship between language and society, between the uses of language and the social. So social basic language is the language used in everyday life. Why is this still included in Psycholinguistics because it is still related to how humans use and understand language in daily life

  24. Mimin 181230011 TBI 6A

    1. The social basis of language
    2. Language and culture are two different sides of the coin, but the relationship between the two cannot be separated, because language is a reflection of culture and the identity of the speaker.
    Language and Culture are two things that are interrelated. The relationship can be in the form of transformation, mutual influence, and so on. However, there is an opinion that says that language and culture have a coordinating relationship, namely an equal relationship, the position is the same. The relationship between language and culture is a subordinate relationship, where language is under the scope of culture.
    Actually language, thinking, and culture are interrelated in human life. Language is conveying thoughts or feelings of people who talk about something in their cultural life. In essence, before speaking there is a thought process and the results of that thought process will be used to communicate in cultural life.
    3. In my opinion, the basis of language is a statement of one's thoughts which is a reflection of one's ideas in the oral and social air currents that arise as a result of the emergence of interactions between community members in a particular social and cultural society. this is discussed in psycholinguistics because language learning is very important to understand the processes that occur in someone who is listening, speaking, reading, or writing.

  25. Name : Rizki Nur Azizah
    Class : TBI 6B
    NIM : 181230044

    1. Language and Culture
    2. Relationship between language thought and culture is deeply rooted. Language can be interpreted as a symbol of the human vocal system that used as a tool for thinking, forming we are mind, and to understand the mind of other person. Thought is place to process all information that we obtain and also place to process all Information that we want to utterance. The results of thought process and language we know as culture.
    Culture is never static. Culture is dynamic and adapts to the dynamics of the society and environment. Language and thought is includes on element that builds a culture. When compared, the language and culture are two different sides of a coin, but it cannot be separated because the language is a reflection of the culture and the thought identity of the speakers. So to create a good culture in a society depends on how the society was able to think well in extracting a speech language.
    3. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development.

  26. Name : Nur 'Afifah Zafa
    SRN : 181230077
    Class : TBI 6 B

    1. The sosial basis of language

    2. Language and thought is includes on element that builds a culture. When compared, the language and culture are two different sides of a coin, but it cannot be separated because the language is a reflection of the culture and the thought identity of the speakers.

    3. I think language is a social behavior learned in a social context; it is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning and language teaching processes.

  27. Suza Atha U
    1. Language
    2. Language and Culture are closely related. The culture of a people finds reflection in the language they employ: because they value certain things and do them in a certain way, they come to use their language in ways that reflect what they value and what they do.
    Language can be viewed as a verbal expression of culture. It is used to maintain and convey culture and cultural ties. Language provides us with many of the categories we use for expression of our thoughts, so it is therefore natural to assume that our thinking is influenced by the language which we use.
    3. Social basis of language is social interaction that affects language acquisition and development. Why is this still included in Psycholinguistics because it is still relate in language learning

  28. Dian Herawati

    1. After I read the material of todays' topic, so I got the Information that Herskovits, (1948) note that Culture is essentially a construct that describes the total body of belief, behavior, knowledge, sanctions, values, and goals that mark the way of life of any people. That is, though a culture may be treated by the student as capable of objective description, in the final analysis it comprises the things that people have, the things they do, and what they think (Herskovits, 1948).

    2. Connections between language and culture often come to question while studying second or foreign languages. It is generally agreed that language and culture are closely related. Language can be viewed as a verbal expression in learning a second or foreign language it is possible to separate language and culture. For language teachers and learners in general, an appreciation for the differences in opinion regarding the relationship between language and culture can help to illuminate the diversity of views held toward the use of language In this regard, this paper aims at discussing the relationship between language and culture proposed by Wardhaugh (2002).

    3. The language first learned is called one's native language or mother tongue; both of these terms are figurative in that the knowledge of particular languages is not inherited but learned behavior. Language is a social behavior learned in a social context; it is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning and language teaching processes. A primary social relationship is critical to language learning. Why does it learn as the psycholinguistics' discussion? Because listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  29. Name : Siti Ifat Fatimah
    SRN : 181230076
    Class : TBI-6B

    1. Language and Culture
    2. People as social creatures could not live alone. Language as tool for interact each other whatever the language especially for every society has its own culture; and different subgroups within a society may have their own distinctive subculture. Herder's promotion of the word culture in this sense was bound up with this thesis of the interdependence of language and thought, on the one hand, and, on the other, with his view that a nation's language and culture were manifestations of its distinctive national spirit or mind.
    3. Social basis of language is social interaction that affects language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterances are conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in a real situation. It also involves emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. It is learned as psycholinguistics' discussion since it is one of the important processes of language acquisition.

  30. Fidella Nur Arofah
    TBI 6A

    1.The topic is about Language, because language is a tool for self-expression, as a means of communicating, as a tool to adapt socially in a particular environment or situation, and as a tool to exercise social control.
    2. There is a relationship between language, thought, and culture. Culture has a direct or
    effect on language. Because language is a symbol the presentation of a particular nation or community or language is a symbolic representation of a culture. Then the relationship between language and thought that language affects the way humans view the world, and affects the minds of individual language users.
    3. In my opinion, the social basis of language is social interaction which emphasizes the importance of language development through interaction with other people. The social basis of language is the initial communication between parent and child interactions or the first interactions with mothers, families, adults, other people, and the environment.

  31. Yasmin Aulia Mumtaz
    TBI 6A

    1. The Social Basis of Language.
    2. language is the part that is not inseparable from cultural development human. All activities carried out by humans in their lives not regardless of the language element in it. Language is part of the culture or in other words the language is below cultural environment. Language is the outer form, while the mind is the inner form. Outer shape that's the language we hear, while the form in language is in the brain. These two forms are shackles humans, and determine his way of thinking.
    3. Social basis of language is social interaction that affects language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterances are conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in a real situation and it is related with psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain.

  32. NIM : 181230075
    Kelas: 6B
    1. I think from the lesson today the first is basic language and the second is culture
    2. Language and thought is includes on element that builds a culture. When compared, the language and culture are two different sides of a coin, but it cannot be separated because the language is a reflection of the culture and the thought identity of the speakers.
    3. look outside linguistic theory for the “causes” of development, seeking both cognitive and social influences on language acquisition and language structure. Of the two affairs, one with cognitive and the other with social theories, the chapter concentrates on the search for social influences on language acquisition. It concludes that the case for externally driven, structural effects on language development is not very good. Research on social factors in language acquisition has concentrated primarily on these kinds of effects, and as a result, social-causal theories have not yet obtained adequate empirical support.

  33. Reni Mutiara
    TBI 6B

    1. I think the topic used to carry out their goals is language, because language is one of the abilities humans have especially in communicating and with language it can unite different thoughts and cultures.
    2. There are various discussions about the relationship between language and culture, some say that language is a product of culture. There are also those who say that culture is strongly influenced by language in which language describes a person's thoughts because basically language is a communication tool to convey ideas or ideas. in someone's mind. This difference shows that there is a very close relationship between the two. In addition, language is also closely related to one's mind because it is the answer to a thought after thinking someone will express his idea through a language and the language they issue will affect the culture around them.
    3. The social basis of language is the language used in society and may be related to the social rules that apply in a culture, and why it is discussed in psycholinguistics because the main goal of psycholinguistics is to find an appropriate and superior theory of language in terms of linguistics and psychology that is able to explain the nature of language and its acquisition.

  34. Name : Nur Rasmayanti
    SRN : 181230066
    Class : TBI-6B

    1. Language and culture
    2. The relationship between language thinking and culture is deeply rooted. Language can be interpreted as a symbol of the human vocal system that is used as a tool to think, shape our thoughts, and to understand the thoughts of others. The mind is a place to process all the information we get and also a place to process all the information we want to say. The result of thought processes and language that we know as culture. Culture is never static. Culture is dynamic and adapts to the dynamics of society and the environment. Language and thought are included in the elements that build a culture. When compared, language and culture are two different sides of the coin, but cannot be separated because language is a reflection of the culture and identity of the speaker's thoughts. So that the creation of a good culture in a society depends on how the community is able to think well in extracting a spoken language.
    3. Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development.

  35. Syifa Qotrun Nada
    TBI 6B

    1. The social basic of language.
    2. Language is a part that inseparable from development human culture. All activities that done by humans inside life,contains elements of language in in it. There are several theories that discusses the relationship between language and thoughts, language also has a relationship with the preservation of culture, namely subordinate and coordinating relationships. In addition, there are several language classifications, including classification based on genetic classification, typological classification, area classification, and classification sociolinguistics. Culture in circles communication is the whole system binding communication and allows a set to work human (society), or system of rules- the rules of communication and interaction enable a society to exist,maintained, and preserved. Language as a cultural subsystem. Language is the enabling factor formation of culture. Language is
    Sine qua non (which must exist) for human culture and society.
    Language is the key to understanding deep into a culture or characteristic that most powerful of social personality someone (Lindgrent's theory).
    3.I think, The Social Basis of Language. Language is a social behavior learned in a social context; it is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning and language teaching processes.

  36. Name : Agtrisya Tamara Putri
    SRN/Class : 181230043/TBI 6B

    1. I think, I choose the topic is about language because language is our tool to achieve our goals and people will get information so that it increases knowledge and experience. Language can also be shaped by culture.
    2.Of course everything is related. because language and thought can also shape or create a culture that comes from each individual and has something in common.
    3.Because the social basis of language is a process of using language in social life so that someone will obtain information, knowledge. Thus it is closely related to psycholinguistic learning related to thinking that requires the work of the human brain to process language and socialize.

  37. Nama: Manda
    Nim : 181230045
    Class:TBI 5B

    I will answer question number two.

    My opinion, Language is a human symbol system
    the most complete so that the language can
    used as a symbol of a culture
    an ethnic group (ethnoculture) based on the presence of various dialects or dialects. Each dialect in a society is a characteristic that distinguishes a culture
    with other cultures. Almost all parts of human life are covered by language so that language is an inseparable part of the development of human culture. All activities carried out by humans in their lives cannot be separated from the elements of language in them. Language also has a relationship with cultural preservation, namely subordinating and coordinating relationships. In addition, there are several language classifications, including classification based on genetic classification, typological classification, areal classification, and sociolinguistic classification.

  38. Name: Umi Habibah
    SRN :181230061
    Class: TBI 6B

    1. The social basis of language
    2. Communication is the whole system binding communication and allows a set to work human (society), or system of rules, the rules of communication and interaction enable a society to exist, maintained, and preserved. Language as a cultural subsystem. Language is the enabling factor formation of culture. Language is Sine qua non (must have) for human culture and society.
    3. I think because language as first tool to communicate in society so in psycholinguistic also learn about it seriously, Language is the key to understanding deep into a culture or characteristic that most powerful of social personality of someone.

  39. Name : Susilawati
    SRN. : 181230073
    Class : TNI 6B

    1. One of the topics that doing by people to reach their goals is Social Basis of Language.

    2. Language, thought and culture able to connected because they have relationship between language thought and culture is deeply rooted. Language can be interpreted as a symbol of the human vocal system that used as a tool for thinking, forming we are mind, and to understand the mind of other person. Thought is place to process all information that we obtain and also place to process all Information that we want to utterance. The results of thought process and language we know as culture.

    3. I think the basis of language is important one to achieve the goals of people becuase in human life need share information and get information which needed. So the basis of language was learnt as phsychololinguistics' discussion, it's caused the basis of language influence by the brain (ideas) and also environment.

  40. Assalamualaikum Miss. my name is Nafa saniati TBI VI B. i want to share my opinion about your questions above. First, which one of the topics is doing by people to reach their goals? In my opinion all topics in this course are human purpose. because wetness, thought, tools of thought, culture, and communication are fundamental in human sociality. As we know, humans are social creatures, they need other people to achieve their goals. To be able to communicate with other people, humans must apply what is culture, language, thought, and communication. so in this course, all the topics in it are very important in human purpose.

    Second, explain how do language, thought, and culture connect each other? I think, how do language, thought and culture connect with each other because all of them require an action and the working process of the human brain. actually, the language provides the key for related cultures, and especially for their literature; the language itself cannot be fully understood other than in the cultural context to which they are closely attached; next, language and culture is learned together. culture has a direct effect on language. In fact, the two issues are closely correlated and interrelated. Language is the symbolic presentation of a nation or a specific community. In other words, language is the symbolic presentation of a culture.

    And last, what do you think of social basis of language? why does it learn as the psycholinguistics' discussion ? In my opinion, the social basis of language is culture. Because of our culture know the language. a particular culture, associated with a particular language. If we are cultured, then we speak. people who have culture, must have good sociality. Social is part of being human. To socialize, humans need language. so the social basis of language is a culture. why it is included in psycholinguistic's discussion ? I think because language is the result of thought process and experience. In this case, of course, must create a culture. The result of the thought is produced through the stages of the brain working process associated with experience. so it requires mentality, good brain work, and a good response in language to create culture. so this needs to be discussed in psycholinguistics. I think that's my answers for your questions. I'm sorry if i'm wrong. Thank You.

    TBI 6B

    1. Language
    2. Language and culture are intertwined. A particular language usually points out to a specific group of people. When you interact with another language, it means that you are also interacting with the culture that speaks the language. You cannot understand one’s culture without accessing its language directly.
    When you learn a new language, it not only involves learning its alphabet, the word arrangement and the rules of grammar, but also learning about the specific society’s customs and behavior. When learning or teaching a language, it is important that the culture where the language belongs be referenced, because language is very much ingrained in the culture.
    3. Because Psycholinguistics is an integration of two disciplines; psychology and linguistics. Psychology is the
    study of mind and behavior; linguistics is the study of language. So, in general, psycholinguistics can be defined as the study of mind and language. It is concerned with the relationship between the human mind
    and the language as it examines the processes that occur in brain while producing and perceiving language.
    Psycholinguistics as a study of the psychology of language is realized in language teaching. It helps
    to study the psychological factors that are possibly involved in languages learning. Psycholinguistics
    focuses on the application of the actual language and communication. It is necessary to make a decision
    in applying various methods that allow students to easily understand a language.

  42. Name : Hayanun
    SRN : 181230041
    Class : 6B
    1. I think it's language. Because humans need language as a tool for communication. Language plays an important role as a communication tool in human life, because with language humans can interact and talk about anything. Humans as social beings of course and always communicate with other humans.
    2. Thought is an initial process in shaping language and culture. Thought is used to bring up a sign that can be used to communicate with other humans, as well as shape the perception of a society. The three cannot be separated and stand alone.
    3. Language is a social behavior that is learned in a social context; is a means of interaction. Social relationships are the basis for language learning and the language teaching process. Initiating and maintaining social interactions with primary caregivers (and later, others) is the basic motivation for learning conventional communication. Primary social relationships are very important for language learning. This relationship provides ideal conditions for learning and teaching. Psycholinguistic itself is a science that studies language behavior, both visible behavior and invisible behavior: reception, perception, language acquisition, and language production and the processes that occur in it. The role of psycholinguistic in language learning is very important, because by understanding it we can also understand ourselves, especially in language skills.

  43. Sekar Septiani
    TBI 6 D

    1. The social basis of language

    2. Language, culture, and thought are closely related, each part of which reflects the other. The relationship between language and culture can be seen in the view that every culture has its own way of determining what to separate and what to pay attention to in order to name a reality. Furthermore, the relationship between language and thought lies in the opinion that language affects the human perspective on the world, and affects the thoughts of individual language users. The structure of the language that a person uses affects the way people think and behave. Language affects culture and the way of human thought, so the characteristics that exist in a language will be reflected in the attitudes and culture of its speakers.

    3. The social basis of language is an important communication tool and cannot be separated from the working process of the brain and culture or in other words, the social basis of language is one of the disciplines that study the relationship between language and society. This is because the social basis of language includes four language skills, namely, listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Why we learn the social basis of language as the psycholinguistics' discussion, social language is a scientific discipline that studies the relationship between language and society. And psycholinguistics helps to understand the four skills of intrinsic and extrinsic. Where the social basis of language is also a science that tries to explain the human ability to use language rules in various situations in social life. And psycholinguistics is the study of language behavior, that is what makes social language and psycholinguistics intertwined.

  44. Name :Sri Sulastri
    Nim : 181230046
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. The Social Basis of Language
    2. Communication is the whole system binding communication and allows a set to work human (society), or system of rules, the rules of communication and interaction enable a society to exist, maintained, and preserved. Language as a cultural subsystem. Language is the enabling factor formation of culture. Language is Sine qua non (must have) for human culture and society.
    3. Because Psycholinguistics is an integration of two disciplines; psychology and linguistics. Psychology is the
    study of mind and behavior; linguistics is the study of language. So, in general, psycholinguistics can be defined as the study of mind and language.

  45. Ade Putri Astini

    1. The social basis of language

    2. the relationship between language thought and culture is deeply rooted. Language can be interpreted as a symbol of the human vocal system that used as a tool for thinking, forming we are mind, and to understand the mind of other person. Thought is place to process all information that we obtain and also place to process all Information that we want to utterance. The results of thought process and language we know as culture. Language and thought is includes on element that builds a culture. When compared, the language and culture are two different sides of a coin, but it cannot be separated because the language is a reflection of the culture and the thought identity of the speakers. So to create a good culture in a society depends on how the society was able to think well in extracting a speech language.

    3. Language is viewed as one behavior on a continuum of communication behaviors, all of which stem from early social interactions. Because Current assumptions about the nature of language and the processes involved in language learning are discussed. Particular attention is given to the effects of severe handicaps on the social processes underlying language acquisition.

  46. Name : Andini Amaliyah Fitri
    NIM : 181230001
    Class : TBI 6 A

    1. I think the topic of the relationship between language and culture is often used by people to achieve effective communication.
    2. Language, thought, and culture are interconnected. Because language is a symbol of the human vocal system that is used as a tool to think, shape our thoughts, and understand the thoughts of others. The mind is a place for us to process all the information we want to express and the information we get. And culture is the result of thought processes and language.
    3. My opinion about the social basis of language is how language is used in our habits in social life and interacting with other people. This is still included in the subject of Psycholinguistics because it is still related to how humans use and understand language in everyday life

  47. Name: Moh Faiz
    Class: TBI 6B

    I think it is important to have a culture related to language, because when there is a foreign culture being studied, it requires important communication with different cultures, and also each culture has a different style or culture, language or habits.

  48. Name : Annisa Nurfadillah
    SRN : 181230055
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. Social Basics of Language

    2. Communication is the whole communication system that binds and allows the work of a group of people (society), or a system of rules, communication rules and interactions that allow a society to exist, be maintained, and maintained. Language as a subsystem culture. Language is a factor supporting the formation of culture.

    3. Because Psycholinguistics is an integration of two disciplines; So, in general, psycholinguistics can be defined as the study of mind and language.

  49. Name : Esti Rahayu Pratiwi
    NIM : 181230040
    Class: TBI-6B

    1. Culture. Because Erskovits, (1948) note that Culture is essentially a construct that describes the total body of belief, behavior, knowledge, sanctions, values, and goals that mark the way of life of any people. That is, though a culture may be treated by the student as capable of objective description, in the final analysis it comprises the things that people have, the things they do, and what they think (Herskovits, 1948).
    2. Culture is the result of the creativity and thinking of each member in language community. (Kujana Rahadi, 2001: 162). So the relationship between language thought and culture is deeply rooted. Language can be interpreted as a symbol of the human vocal system that used as a tool for thinking, forming we are mind, and to understand the mind of other person. Thought is place to process all information that we obtain and also place to process all Information that we want to utterance. The results of thought process and language we know as culture.
    Culture is never static. Culture is dynamic and adapts to the dynamics of the society and environment. Language and thought is includes on element that builds a culture. When compared, the language and culture are two different sides of a coin, but it cannot be separated because the language is a reflection of the culture and the thought identity of the speakers. So to create a good culture in a society depends on how the society was able to think well in extracting a speech language.
    3. Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. social setting are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development. It also has role to facilities the task of learning grammar for instant usually parent repeat more ill-formed utterances than well-formed one.

  50. Nama : Salma Aida Maftuhah
    Nim : 181230068 (TBI 6B)

    1. the exchange of information

    2. Halliday (1994) states that culture is one of the contexts in community communication. They create various information or facts as brain data to become spoken language or written language as text by considering the context.

    3. because language is one of the references for how we communicate. because in psycholinguistics we are taught about culture and language

  51. Name : Lilis Rosita Jamil
    Nim : 181230140
    Class : TBI 6D

    1. I think I will choose a topic for this is the social basis of language.
    2. The point is that each language represents its culture and thought so as they are being in existence in this world as the realm of society. Human communicate using languages or symbols, they think and behave base on the tradition they have that reflect each culture of language spoken. Language, Culture, and Thought. These three terms really determine the civilization of human being. All human beings are not apart from the fact that they are being in these three terms in order to exist as living creature that is different from other creatures.
    3. Because psycholinguistics or language psychology is the study of the relationship between linguistic factors and psychological aspects. This discipline is primarily concerned with the mechanisms by which language is processed and represented in the mind and brain. The social basis of language in a social context; is a means of interaction. These social relationships are the basis for language learning and the language teaching process. so Primary social relationships are very important for language learning.

  52. Kikin Sakinah
    TBI 6B

    1. Social basic of language, because language is closely related to social. because in social life we ​​need language to communicate.

    2. That is, culture has a direct effect on language. In fact, the two issues are closely correlated and interrelated. Language is the symbolic presentation of a nation or a specific community. In other words, language is the symbolic presentation of a

    3. seen again from the notion of psycholinguistics. it is certain and established that psycholinguistics discusses language and socially is closely related to language. Social relationships will be formed when communication interactions with one another, while communication requires language in it.

  53. Name : Usrotul Hiyaroh
    Number : 181230067
    Class : TBI 6B
    2. Language as a means of communication cannot be separated from the process of the brain and culture, while humans as social beings cannot live alone. To fulfill their needs and wants, they convey ideas to others and they also share information among their community. These ideas not only come from brain processes but also take from their environment. Thus, they will have varied responses to similar information. This means that each brain will work on the available information and data based on their own culture. Therefore, people who have lived abroad may argue for different perspectives in dealing with local problems such as unemployment.
    3. Because language as a means of communication cannot be separated from brain processes and culture, while humans as social beings cannot live alone. In order to fulfill their needs and wants, they convey their ideas to others and they also share information among their community.

  54. Name : Divia Rahma Yulianti
    Srn. : 181230051
    Class : Tbi 6B

    1. The Social Basis of Language
    2. With language we can also learn something from the other people. Culture is things that related to the mind and human reason.The manifestation of culture is such as behavior and real things, example language is human life equipment to communicate with other human beings or other living creatures.
    3. Through language persons are able to communicate with one another; we need to communicate because we lead social lives together and it is linguistic communication that makes social life what it is. There are various interests that one could have in language.
    The Social Basis of Language
    Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development.

  55. Arista Miratun Nufus
    TBI 6B

    1. The basis social of language
    2. Language is an integral part of the development of human culture. All the activities that human beings have in their lives, contain the language elements within them. Language also has to do with the preservation of culture, that of subordinate and coordinative relationships. Culture in a circle of communication is the whole system of communication that binds and enables the functioning of a human assembly (society), or system of rules and interactions that enable a society to occur, to be preserved, and to be preserved. Language is a cultural subsystem.

    3. Language is viewed as one behavior on a continuum of communication behaviors, all of which stem from early social interactions. Because Current assumptions about the nature of language and the processes involved in language learning are discussed. Particular attention is given to the effects of severe handicaps on the social processes underlying language acquisition.

  56. Name : Siti Anugrah Muharomah
    SRN : 181230010
    TBI 6A

    1. The social basic of language
    2. Language and thought is includes on element that builds a culture. When compared, the language and culture aretwo different sides of a coin, but it cannot be separated because the language is a reflection of the cultureand the thought identity of thespeakers.
    3. The language first learned is called one's native language or mother tongue; both of these terms are figurative in that the knowledge of particular languages is not inherited but learned behavior. 
    Because, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  57. Muzdalifah

    1. The social basis of English

    2. In my opinion, The culture of each nation is always different in all the time as long as the language is also in different. When a person is not a good mastery of the language, the people's minds will not qualify either. If the quality of a person's mind is not good, the people will not be optimal to thinking and creativity in create the culture. In other words, when the language of a community is not controlled properly, the cultural of society that not be born properly.
    Culture will be optimal to progress and developed when thinking process of society is organized. Thinking process of society can organized if the language acquisition in society is also qualified.

    3.because, Psycholinguistics has provided numerous theories that explain how a person acquires a language, produces and perceives both spoken and written language. The theories have been used in the field of language teaching. Some experts use them as the basic theories in developing language teaching methods. It is known as psycholinguistics approach. Also Psychology is the
    study of mind and behavior.

  58. silva annisa
    TBI 6B

    1. it's LANGUAGE. because language had an important role in cognitive development, at least because children have improved their language skills and can organize their own thoughts through culture, which helps to clarify the diversity of perspectives.
    2. The relationship between culture, language, and thought has long been one of the most important topics for those who wish to understand the nature of human cognition. This issue has been investigated for decades across a broad range of research disciplines. However, there has been scant communication across these different disciplines, a situation largely arising through differences in research interests and discrepancies in the definitions of key terms such as ‘culture,’ ‘language,’ and ‘thought.’ This article reviews recent trends in research on the relation between language, culture and thought to capture how cognitive psychology and cultural psychology have defined ‘language’ and ‘culture,’ and how this issue was addressed within each research discipline. We then review recent research conducted in interdisciplinary perspectives, which directly compared the roles of culture and language. Finally, we highlight the importance of considering the complex interplay between culture and language to provide a comprehensive picture of how language and culture affect thought.
    3. In essence, the study of language and its relationship to culture and to society is known as sociolinguistics.* Although it may sound like an intimidating term that belongs to the academic realm (as I mentioned earlier), every language learner should have some awareness of sociolinguistics. Even if it’s just understanding what it is without actually knowing the term for it.


    Because language, in many ways, is a social concept.

    Language grew out the human need to communicate and interact. Understanding that it is social by nature, allows you to more effective use your language.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Sabilah rahmatika
    TBI 6D
    1.The topic is about languange and culture
    2. Language can affect thought when thought is established. For example, Language may be used to provide us with new ideas, if you read some sentence, article, listening what other people said to us, etc. Meanwhile Culture is the result of human thought which will affect the level of knowledge and the system of ideas contained in the human mind, so it make the culture is abstract. The manifestation of culture is such as behavior and real things, example language is human life equipment to communicate with other human beings or other living creatures.
    3. I think the social basic of language is social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment.

  61. Siti Nurkomariyah 181230074
    TBI VI B

    1. The Social Basis of Language

    2. Language and thought are included in the elements that make up a culture. When compared, language and culture are two different sides of the coin, but cannot be separated because language is a reflection of the culture and identity of the speaker's thoughts. So, language, thought and culture are closely related.

    3. I think, the Social The Social Basis of Language: Language is a social behavior learned in a social context, it is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning andlanguage teaching processes.
    In my opinion, because psycholinguistics is related to the social aspects of language, including social identity. So, of course, the social basis of language is studied in Psycholinguistics.

  62. Nisa Nuranisa
    TBI 6B

    1. Of the 3 topics, the 3rd have the same goal, namely to find out the relationship between language, thought and culture.
    2. The relationship between culture, language, and thought has long been one of the most important topics for those who wish to understand the nature of human cognition. This issue has been investigated for decades across a broad range of research disciplines. However, there has been scant communication across these different disciplines, a situation largely arising through differences in research interests and discrepancies in the definitions of key terms such as “culture,” “language,” and “thought.“ There are number of relation that stated by researcher, thus to explain the connection between language and thought such as : Cognitive development also determine language development, Language and cognition are independent faculties (Chomsky’s position), language and cognition become interdependent (Vygotsky’s position), and idea that language determines cognition is called as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.
    3. Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development. The social has function context of LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System). In short, social setting are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development. It also has role to facilities the task of learning grammar for instant usually parent repeat more ill-formed utterances than well-formed one.

  63. Name : Aan Nazova
    Nim : 181230050
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. The social basic of language
    2. Of course, it is very related because language as a communication tool cannot be separated from the brain and cultural processes. Humans as social beings cannot live alone. To fulfill their needs and wants, they pass on their ideas to others. Therefore, they share information among their communities. Their ideas not only come from brain processes but also take from their environment. Thus, they will have varied responses to similar information. This means that each brain will work on the available information and data based on their own culture.
    3. Become one of the topics of psycholinguistics because it refers to how the brain processes information and data available based on their own culture. In other words, what they create in either spoken or written texts may be contributed by their brains and culture.

  64. Name : Aulia Rahma
    NIM : 181230157
    Class : TBI VI D

    1. The social basis of language
    2. The relationship between language thought and culture is deeply rooted. Language can be interpreted as a symbol of the human vocal system that used as a tool for thinking, forming we are mind, and to understand the mind of other person. Thought is place to process all information that we obtain and also place to process all Information that we want to utterance. The results of thought process and language we know as culture. Culture is never static. Culture is dynamic and adapts to the dynamics of the society and environment. Language and thought is includes on element that builds a culture. When compared, the language and culture are two different sides of a coin, but it cannot be separated because the language is a reflection of the culture and the thought identity of the speakers.
    3. In my opinion, the social basis of language has a relationship between the interaction of people or society with the development of the language they use as a means of daily communication. For the second point, the reason why the social basis of language is included in the discussion of psycholinguistics? Because in psycholinguistics studying how language also affects human psychological aspects and where language is first processed in our brains, then language will be used in our social life.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Name : Ati Darojatarrofiah
    Nim : 181230196
    Class : TBI 6E

    1. The Social Basis of Language is one of the topic s doing by people to reach their goals

    2. Culture is the result of creativity and thinking of each member in the language community. (Kujana Rahadi, 2001: 162). The relationship between thought and culture is so deeply rooted. The language can be interpreted as a symbol of the human vocal system that is used as a tool for reflection to realize that we are mind, and to understand the mind of another person. Thinking is the place to process all information we receive, and we also put you to process all information we want to declare. The results of the thought process and language we know as a culture.

    3. Psycholinguistics or psychology of language is the study of the interrelation between linguistic factors and psychological aspects. The discipline is mainly concerned with the mechanisms by which language is processed and represented in the mind and brain; that is, the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend, and produce language.

  67. Name : Fitri Hoyrun Nisa
    NIM : 181230178
    Class : TBI 6E

    1. Social Basic of Language
    2. Culture has a direct effect on language. Because, Language is the symbolic presentation of a nation or a specific community. In other words, language is the symbolic presentation of a culture.
    3. Language is a social behavior learned in a social context. It is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning and language teaching processes. A primary social relationship is critical to language learning. And than, This is great for psycholinguistic lessons that deal with humans.

  68. Sithi alfiqaroh suarti
    TBI 6-E
    1. The basis social of language
    2. . According to delta Connection of Language, Culture, and Thought. Most of us usually just point out two terms concern with language, Culture, and Thought. We just correlate the two terms: Language and Culture, and ignore another one Thought.
    3. Social basis of language is a social behavior learned in a social context; it is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning and language teaching processes. And Language comprehension is the human ability to process and understand written and spoken language. This ability has been significant over the course of our evolution.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Alifah
    Tbi 6e

    1. The social basis of language
    2. The relationship between language, thought and culture is deeply rooted. Language can be understood as a symbol of the human vocal system that is used as a tool to think, shape our thoughts, and understand the thoughts of others. The mind is the place to process all the information we get and the place to process all the information we want to say. The result of the process of thinking and speaking is what we know as culture.
    In my opinion, the social basis of language is necessary and very important in language acquisition to support cognitive development which can start from interactions, between friends, environment, family and others in context. This social base is used by adults to provide good feedback to children in their interactions.

  71. Dhea Putri 181230162 TBI /6E
    1. The basis social of language
    2. Piaget stated that thought determines language in order to deliver individual idea to social in language. Though give ways to produce social speech as communication. It means that child thinking aloud. Though development affecting social context, but language and though have different ways. The first one, prelinguistics child independently and the other hand language is acquire from social. Therefore both of them is process of learning language. In addition, the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis stated that form of language determines the structure of our though process. Thus language affects when remember thing and way to perceive the world.

    3. Social interaction affecting language acquisition and improvement. It has characteristic as context while sure utterance conveyed well and to increase words, phrases, sentences in actual situation. It additionally contain emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, due to the fact language is social significant situation. Social interaction begin from first interplay with mother, family, person, different people, and environment. Therefore, for powerful language gaining knowledge of have to take region in social putting. Social interaction additionally is wanted in acquisition language to aid cognitive improvement. The social has characteristic context of LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System). In short, social putting are critical for linguistic improvement to offer remarks from person to youngsters as important function in improvement. It additionally has function to centers the mission of gaining knowledge of grammar for fast commonly figure repeat extra ill-formed utterances than well-formed one.Then.....
    Psycholinguistics has provided numerous theories that explain how a person acquires a language, produces and perceives both spoken and written language. The theories have been used in the field of language teaching. Some experts use them as the basic theories in developing language teaching methods. It is known as psycholinguistics approach.Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning. Moreover psycholinguistics also defines some kinds of brain disorders that affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia which must be treated properly. Psycholinguistics mainly helps teachers to consider the use of appropriate method to teach that four language skill.

  72. Melani Agustini
    TBI 6E

    1. Acceptance of responsibility for one's actions and feeling good about success. Generally upbeat mood and positive emotions, cheerfulness with others, and satisfaction with oneself. Motivation to get the job done. Flexibility to make changes when needed
    2. Language and thought is includes on element that builds a culture. When compared, the language and culture are two different sides of a coin, but it cannot be separated because the language is a reflection of the culture and the thought identity of the speakers.
    3. Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. A branch of both linguistics and psychology, psycholinguistics is part of the field of cognitive science. Adjective: psycholinguistic.

  73. Name :MUHLIS
    SRN :181230186
    Class :TBI-6E

    1. The social basis of language.

    2. Language is a part that is inseparable from development human culture. All activities that done by humans inside life, contain elements of language in it. There are several theories that discuss the relationship between language and thoughts, language also has a relationship with the preservation of culture, namely coordinating relationships. In addition, there are several language classifications, including genetic classification, typological classification, classification subordinate and are classification based on classification, and Culture area sociolinguistics. communication is the whole system binding communication and allows a set to work human (society), or system of in circles rules- the rules of communication and enable society preserved. cultural subsystems. interaction a to exist, maintained, and Language Language is the enabling factor formation of culture. Language is Sine qua non (which must exist) for human culture and society. Language is the key to understanding deep into a culture or characteristic that is most powerful of someone's social personality (Lindgrent's theory).

    3.I think, The Social Basis of Language. Language is a social behavior learned in a social context; it is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning and language teaching aš processes.

  74. Name : Nurul Arini (181230167)
    Class :TBI 6E
    1. Acceptance of responsibility for one's actions and feeling good about success. Motivation to get the job done. Flexibility to make changes.
    2. All living things have a language. Animals and plants have symbols. Human languages are known to be much more uniform than was at one time thought. The use of language refers to the capability of acting a speech in interaction. The ability to act a speech is actually determined by maturity of mind in which thoughts exist. A speech act is the representative of a language and it represents one's culture. The meaning of language is determined by the ability to use it properly.
    3. because a language is composed of conventional symbols shaped by their social-communicative functions. Children acquire these symbols, both lexical and syntactic, in the context of culturally constituted event structures. In the acquisition process children rely on cultural learning skills (i.e., imitative learning)

  75. Nama : Ainun maulina
    Nim : 181230160
    Kelas : Tbi 6E
    1. Basis sosial bahasa
    2. Pikiran, bahasa, dan budaya memiliki keterkaitan yang sangat erat,
    masing-masing konstrak tersebut mencerminkan satu konstrak yang lain (Frawley
    dalam Forrester, 1996). Keterkaitan antara bahasa dan budaya terletak pada
    asumsi bahwa setiap budaya telah memilih jalannya sendiri-sendiri dalam
    menentukan apa yang harus dipisahkan dan apa harus diperhatikan untuk memberi
    nama pada realitas (Goldschmidt, 1960). Di sisi yang lain, keterkaitan antara
    bahasa dan pikiran terletak pada asumsi bahwa bahasa mempengaruhi cara
    pandang manusia terhadap dunia, serta mempengaruhi pikiran individu pemakai
    bahasa tersebut (Whorf dalam Rakhmat, 2000). Keterkaitan antara bahasa dan
    pikiran dimungkinkan karena berpikir adalah upaya untuk mengasosiasikan kata
    atau konsep untuk mendapatkan satu kesimpulan melalui media bahasa. Beberapa
    uraian para ahli mengenai keterkaitan antara bahasa dan pikiran antara lain:
    1. Bahasa mempengaruhi pikiran
    Pemahaman terhadap kata mempengaruhi pandangannya terhadap realitas.
    Pikiran dapat manusia terkondisikan oleh kata yang manusia digunakan.
    Tokoh yang mendukung hubungan ini adalah Benyamin Whorf dan gurunya,
    Edward Saphir. Whorf mengambil contoh Bangsa Jepang. Orang Jepang
    mempunyai pikiran yang sangat tinggi karena orang Jepang mempunyai
    banyak kosa kata dalam mejelaskan sebuah realitas. Hal ini membuktikan
    bahwa mereka mempunyai pemahaman yang mendetail tentang realitas.
    2. Pikiran mempengaruhi bahasa
    Pendukung pendapat ini adalah tokoh psikologi kognitif yang tak asing bagi
    manusia, yaitu Jean Piaget. Melalui observasi yang dilakukan oleh Piaget
    terhadap perkembangan aspek kognitif anak. Ia melihat bahwa perkembangan
    aspek kognitif anak akan mempengaruhi bahasa yang digunakannya. Semakin
    tinggi aspek tersebut semakin tinggi bahasa yang digunakannya.
    3. Bahasa dan pikiran saling mempengaruhi
    Hubungan timbal balik antara kata-kata dan pikiran dikemukakan oleh
    Benyamin Vigotsky, seorang ahli semantik berkebangsaan Rusia yang
    teorinya dikenal sebagai pembaharu teori Piaget mengatakan bahwa bahasa
    dan pikiran saling mempengaruhi. Penggabungan Vigotsky terhadap kedua
    pendapat di atas banyak diterima oleh kalangan ahli psikologi kognitif.

  76. Name: Dede Rapli
    Nim: 181230177
    Class: TBI 6-E

    1.The social basis of language

    2. I think language, thought, and culture have a very big relationship. because language can be influenced by culture, language also comes from what we think that we put out through communication.

    3. I think the social basis of language is the language we use to interact with other people, and this is related to psycholinguistics

  77. Nama : Martagati Zahratul Jannah
    NIM : 171230174

    1. The social basis of language

    2. The connection between languange thought and culture is Language and culture are intertwined. A particular language usually points out to a specific group of people. When people interact with another language, it means that people are also interacting with the culture that speaks the language. people cannot understand one's culture without accessing its language directly.

    3. Language is a social behavior learned in a social context; it is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning and language teaching processes.
    The language first learned is called one's native language or mother tongue; both of these terms are figurative in that the knowledge of particular languages is not inherited but learned behavior
    Psycholinguistics theories have explained the mental processes that occur in human brain during a person produces and perceives a language. Language perception includes the activity of listening and reading, while the language production includes the activity of speaking and writing.

  78. Azriel Sani Akbar

    1. Language and thought are included in the elements that make up a culture. When compared, language and culture are two different sides of the coin, but cannot be separated because language is a reflection of the culture and identity of the speaker's thoughts. So, language, thought and culture are closely related.

    2. Social The Social Basis of Language: Language is a social behavior learned in a social context, it is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning andlanguage teaching processes. psycholinguistics is related to the social aspects of language, including social identity.

  79. Lida Maulida
    TBI 6E

    1. I suppose, one of the topics is doing by people to reach their goals in social basis of language is
    Social interactionists, because it emphasize the importance of language development through interaction with others.
    2. Those three absolutely has a connection. Because, culture can be expressed verbally through language. It serves to preserve and transmit culture and cultural relations. Many of the categories we use to convey our thoughts are provided by language, therefore it is easy to infer that our thinking is influenced by the language we use.
    3. In my opinion, social basis of language is very essential for us, cause we are the creature that need somebody else to interact in our life.
    Why does it learn as the psycholinguistics' discussion? Because psycholinguistics is the study of how language influences human psychological features and how language is processed in our brains before being employed in social situations.

  80. Name : Anisa Fauziah
    Nim : 181230164
    Class : TBI 6 E

    1. The social basis of language
    2. Culture is one of context in people's communication. They create varied information as the brains' data to be spoken language or written language as a people's thought.
    3. I think social basic language has a relationship between language and society, between the uses of language and the social. So social basic language is the language used in everyday life. Why is this still included in Psycholinguistics because it is still related to how humans use and understand language in daily life.

  81. Name: Robiatul Adawiah
    NIM : 181230192
    Class : TBI 6E

    1. The social basic of language.
    2. Culture has a direct effect on language. In fact, the two issues are closely correlated and interrelated. Language is the symbolic presentation of a nation or a specific community. In other words, language is the symbolic presentation of a culture. Particular languages are associated historically with particular cultures; the languages provide the key to the associated cultures, and especially to their literature; the languages themselves cannot be fully understood otherwise than in the context of the cultures in which they are inextricably embedded; subsequently, language and
    culture are studied together. It so happens that English and the other major languages of Europe are, in many respect, highly unrepresentative of the languages of the world.
    Regarding the relationship between language and culture four claims are reported. One is that social structure may either influence or determine linguistic structure and/or behavior. A second possibility is directly opposed to the first: linguistic structure and/or behavior may either influence or determine social structure or worldview.
    3. Because the explanation of the social basis of language is related to psycholinguistics, which explains the basics of language and is then associated with the ability of the brain to understand language, and the process by which language is formed.

  82. Anggun Al-Fariatunnisa
    1. The social basis of language
    2. Culture is the result of human thought which will affect the level of knowledge and the system of ideas contained in the human mind, so it make the culture is abstract. The manifestation of culture is such as behavior and real things, example language is human life equipment to communicate with other human beings or other living creatures.
    3. I think Language is a social behavior learned in a social context; it is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning and language teaching processes.

  83. Name : Asifa Ramadhan
    Class : TBI E
    NIM : 181230183
    1. i thin one of topics that will people doing to reach their goals is language of thaought bacause it is to transfer thoughts from one mind, to another mind.
    2. Every living thing has its own language. Symbols exist in both animals and plants. Human languages are now proven to be substantially more homogeneous than previously believed. The ability to play out a speech in interaction is referred to as language use. The development of the mind, in which thoughts exist, determines the ability to act a speech. A speech act is a representation of one's culture and of one's language. Language's meaning is decided by one's capacity to use it correctly.
    3. A language is made up of traditional symbols that are shaped by their social-communicative functions. These symbols, both lexical and syntactic, are acquired by children in the context of culturally formed event structures. Children rely on cultural learning skills during the acquisition process that is imitative learning

  84. Rahmah Antika Zahraa
    TBI 6E

    1. The Social Basis of Language

    2. Those three totally has an interaction . Since, culture can be communicated verbally through language. It serves to protect and communicate culture and social relations. A large number of the classes we use to pass on our considerations are given by language, along these lines it is not difficult to deduce that our reasoning is impacted by the language we use.

    3. social premise of language is fundamental for us, cause we are the creature that need another person to associate in our life. And, Since psycholinguistics is the investigation of what language means for human mental highlights and how language is handled in our minds prior to being utilized in friendly circumstances.

  85. Iin fatimah
    Tbi 6e
    1. The social basis of language
    2. The relationship between language, thought and culture is deeply rooted. Language can be understood as a symbol of the human vocal system that is used as a tool to think, shape our thoughts, and understand the thoughts of others. The mind is the place to process all the information we get and the place to process all the information we want to say. The result of the process of thinking and speaking is what we know as culture.
    In my opinion, the social basis of language is necessary and very important in language acquisition to support cognitive development which can start from interactions, between friends, environment, family and others in context. This social base is used by adults to provide good feedback to children in their interactions.

  86. Ika Nur ‘Amalina Putri
    Tbi E

    1. Social and cultural bases
    2. Languages make up almost all of human life, so language is an integral part of human cultural development. All the activities that a human performs in his life are not independent of the language elements it contains. A researcher who will first understand the culture of a society must master the development of the language of the people because through the language a person can participate and understand.

  87. 3. I think, the Social The Social Basis of Language: Language is a social behavior learned in a social context, it is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning andlanguage teaching processes.
    In my opinion, because psycholinguistics is related to the social aspects of language, including social identity. So, of course, the social basis of language is studied in Psycholinguistics.

  88. Siti Nuraini
    TBI 6E
    1. One of topics to reach people goals in social basis of language is the social interactions.
    2. Language, thought and culture has a relation, language is culture and culture is language is often mentioned when language and culture are discussed. It’s because the two have a homologous although complex relationship. Language and culture developed together and influenced each other as they evolved. Using this context, Alfred L. Krober, a cultural anthropologist from the United States said that culture started when speech was available, and from that beginning, the enrichment of either one led the other to develop further.while thought, is a based to contain a language. The language we would said has selected in thought before.
    3. The interaction of people or society with the evolution of the language they use as a method of daily communication is referred to as the social basis of language. Why is the social basis of language included in the topic of psycholinguistics, as the second point? Because psycholinguistics is the study of how language influences human psychology and where languages come from.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Name : Farhan
    SRN : 181230191
    Class : TBI 6E

    1. The topic I chose was language, because through language we can communicate our ideas and thoughts to achieve a goal, or something we want to achieve

    2. Language, thought and culture are certainly interconnected, besides language is the culture of a nation and a person's thinking develops based on the lifestyle of the customs (culture) of the life of the community

    3. Learning can of course also be discussed in psycholinguistics so that it becomes a study on how to classify levels and learning methods for everyone based on age, gender or even cultural groups and levels.

  91. Name: Mahzar Sulana
    Nim: 181230095
    Kelas: TBI 6C

    1. To convey the goals or messages that fellow friends or humans want to express, it can be done through the mind, namely by reading behavior and movements, which are unconsciously like a reflex that describes what he wants and wants to do.
    2. The relationship between language and culture is that language is a symbol of culture in a place because language is the result of thoughts that are outside while the human mind or brain is the inside, so it can be concluded that language is a form of representation of a culture and thought.
    3. The discussion about basic social linguistics is how when humans interact there is an automatic movement or reflex that without us realizing it forms a language that indirectly people can see it. so that it creates a person's psychic understanding in conveying a message or frame of mind

  92. 1. I think the topic is often used with other people is Language and Culture, because Language and culture are intertwined. A particular language usually points out to a specific group of people. When you interact with another language, it means that you are also interacting with the culture that speaks the language. You cannot understand one's culture without accessing its language directly.

    2. Language is the process of delivering information in communication. According to Abdul Chaer: Speaking is conveying the thoughts or feelings of the person who talks about the problem he is facing cultural life. Language is what we call thought and there is no other way to think about reality except through language. Thus the activities of cultural events also speak. Talk not only
    stylish but express yourself in life.

    3. I think social basis of language is composed of conventional symbols shaped by their social-communicative functions. Children acquire these symbols, both lexical and syntactic, in the context of culturally constituted event structures. In the acquisition process children rely on cultural learning skills.

  93. Nur Annisa Saputri
    TBI 6C

    1. I think the topic is often used with other people is Language and Culture, because Language and culture are intertwined. A particular language usually points out to a specific group of people. When you interact with another language, it means that you are also interacting with the culture that speaks the language. You cannot understand one's culture without accessing its language directly.

    2. Language is the process of delivering information in communication. According to Abdul Chaer: Speaking is conveying the thoughts or feelings of the person who talks about the problem he is facing cultural life. Language is what we call thought and there is no other way to think about reality except through language. Thus the activities of cultural events also speak. Talk not only
    stylish but express yourself in life.

    3. I think social basis of language is composed of conventional symbols shaped by their social-communicative functions. Children acquire these symbols, both lexical and syntactic, in the context of culturally constituted event structures. In the acquisition process children rely on cultural learning skills.

  94. Syelvina Apriliani
    TBI 6 C

    1. The topic is doing by people to reach their goals is social basis of language, because language is use in daily activities.

    2. Language, thought and culture is deeply rooted. Language, thought and culture can connect each other because language can be interpreted as a symbol of the human vocal system that used as a tool for thinking, forming we are mind, and to understand the mind of other person. Thought is place to process all information that we obtain and also place to process all Information that we want to utterance. The results of thought process and language we know as culture.

    3. The social basis of language used in daily life. Language is a social behavior learned in a social context, it is a means for interacting. And social basis of language learn as psycholinguistics' discussion because if we are going to be a teacher by understanding psycholinguistics a teacher understands the processes that occur in students when students listen, speak, read, or write.

  95. Sonia Oktaviani (181230145) 6D

    1. Social basis of language
    Because language is habit, we use it anytime.

    2. Language and thought is includes on element that builds a culture. When compared, the language and culture are two different sides of a coin, but it cannot be separated because the language is a reflection of the culture and the thought identity of the speakers.

    3. I think, social basis of language is very substantial for us as human, cause we are the creature that need somebody else to interact in our life.
    Because psycholinguistics is the study of how language influences human psychology and where languages come from.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Name: Dita Aurellia
    SRN. : 181230185
    Class : TBI VI E

    1. I think the social basic language, because humans are living beings who always interact with others.
    And can not live alone, but desperately need the role of others. And with that we can achieve what we want.

    2. Language, Thought and Culture.

    Culture is the result of the creativity and thinking of each member in language community. (Kujana Rahadi, 2001: 162). So the relationship between language thought and culture is deeply rooted. Language can be interpreted as a symbol of the human vocal system that used as a tool for thinking, forming we are mind, and to understand the mind of other person. Thought is place to process all information that we obtain and also place to process all Information that we want to utterance. The results of thought process and language we know as culture

    Culture is never static. Culture is dynamic and adapts to the dynamics of the society and environment. Language and thought is includes on element that builds a culture. When compared, the language and culture are two different sides of a coin, but it cannot be separated because the language is a reflection of the culture and the thought identity of the speakers. So to create a good culture in a society depends on how the society was able to think well in extracting a speech language.

    3. The Social Basis of Language.
    Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development. The social has function context of LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System). In short, social setting are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development. It also has role to facilities the task of learning grammar for instant usually parent repeat more ill-formed utterances than well-formed one. Because, a Psycholinguistics is a scientific discipline that is formed based on the interaction between psychology and linguistics. In subsequent developments it was felt that the scope of the cooperation.

  98. Name: sarmidawati 181230193
    Class: TBI Vl E

    1. Social basic of languge

    2. in my opinion Language and thought is includes on element that builds a culture. When compared, the language and culture are two different sides of a coin, but it cannot be separated because the language is a reflection of the culture and the thought identity of the speakers.

    3. My opinion From psychology a teacher can learn about student attitudes and behavior in learning acquire and learn language while going through linguistics whereas we can learn about the concept and structure of the language itself.
    The role of Psycholinguistics in language learning is very important because by understanding the psycholinguistics of a teacher in understanding the processes that occur in students when students listen, speak, read, or write so that whenever the ability in language skills Problem problems, teachers can see developments from a psychological point of view as an alternative solution, and that is very helpful in adjusting a teacher.

  99. Dzakiyatun Naqia
    1812030101 - 6/C

    1. I think the topic that people do to achieve their goals is language and culture because language is a part of culture and through it, we can express cultural beliefs and values, and that specific use of a particular word is unique to that language and language. relationship with culture.

    2. Language and thought is includes on element that builds a culture. When compared, the language and culture are two different sides of a coin, but it cannot be separated because the language is a reflection of the culture and the thought identity of the speakers

    3. In my opinion, the social basis of language must be human capital to achieve the goal of learning language because by getting used to using language in social life, a person will be able to achieve his goals.

  100. Siska Maulida Fitria 181230105-TBI6C
    Siska Maulida Fitria 181230105-TBI6C

    1. The social basic of language
    2. Of course language, thought and culture all connected we can speak the language because there something we want to explain or it's there in our brain n also culture around us influence very much.
    3. As we know Language as first tool to communicate in society so in psycholinguistic help us to learn 4 skill like reading, writing, listening and speaking.

  101. Ulfah Mariatul Kibtiah
    TBI 6E

    1. Culture. Because Erskovits, (1948) be aware that Culture is basically a assemble that describes the entire frame of belief, behavior, knowledge, sanctions, values, and desires that mark the manner of lifestyles of any humans. That is, aleven though a tradition can be handled through the pupil as able to goal description, withinside the very last evaluation it contains the matters that humans have, the matters they do, and what they suppose (Herskovits, 1948).
    2. Culture is the end result of the creativity and contemplating every member in language community. (Kujana Rahadi, 2001: 162). So the connection among language notion and tradition is deeply rooted. Language may be interpreted as a image of the human vocal machine that used as a device for thinking, forming we're thoughts, and to apprehend the thoughts of different person. Thought is area to method all data that we achieve and additionally area to method all Information that we need to utterance. The consequences of notion method and language we recognize as tradition.
    Culture is by no means static. Culture is dynamic and adapts to the dynamics of the society and environment. Language and notion is consists of on detail that builds a tradition. When compared, the language and tradition are specific aspects of a coin, however it can not be separated due to the fact the language is a mirrored image of the tradition and the notion identification of the speakers. So to create an excellent tradition in a society relies upon on how the society turned into capable of suppose nicely in extracting a speech language.
    3. Social interplay affecting language acquisition and improvement. It has feature as context whilst positive utterance conveyed well and to increase words, phrases, sentences in actual situation. It additionally contain emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, due to the fact language is social significant situation. social placing are critical for linguistic improvement to offer comments from person to kids as important function in improvement. It additionally has function to centers the venture of studying grammar for fast normally figure repeat greater ill-fashioned utterances than nicely-fashioned one.

  102. Umi Athiyah

    1. I think, language and culture are two related things that will bring humans to a very good social level in life.

    2. Language and thought are two things that cannot be separated because language is a reflection of the culture and identity of the thoughts of everyone who cares about their lives.

    3. In my opinion, the social basis of language should be a way for humans to achieve their language learning goals.

  103. Intan permatasari
    181230092 / TBI 6C

    1. the topic is social basis of language

    2. The relationship between language, culture, and inner thoughts
    linguistic relativity and the Sapir Whorf hypothesis. Linguistic relativity suggests
    that people have different speech abilities because they have
    different way of thinking. The Sapir Whorf hypothesis is theoretically derived from
    basic principles of linguistic relativity. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis makes a statement
    that the structure of the language that a person uses affects the way people
    think and behave. Languages ​​that influence culture and ways of thinking
    humans, then the characteristics that exist in a language will be on the attitude and behavior of
    the culture of speech.

    3. because the social basis of language is needed in language acquisition to support cognitive development which may start with interactions, friends, environment and others which are also discussed in psycholinguistics because we know that it is related to linguistic development, in context. This social base is used by adults to provide good feedback to children in their interactions.

  104. Nanda Siti Radela

    1. The basis social of language
    2. Language is an integral part of the development of human culture. All the activities that human beings have in their lives, contain the language elements within them. Language also has to do with the preservation of culture, that of subordinate and coordinative relationships. Culture in a circle of communication is the whole system of communication that binds and enables the functioning of a human assembly (society), or system of rules and interactions that enable a society to occur, to be preserved, and to be preserved. Language is a cultural subsystem.

    3. Language is viewed as one behavior on a continuum of communication behaviors, all of which stem from early social interactions. Because Current assumptions about the nature of language and the processes involved in language learning are discussed. Particular attention is given to the effects of severe handicaps on the social processes underlying language acquisition.

  105. Annisa Nabila
    TBI 6B

    1. Language and Culture
    2. Relationship between language thought and culture is deeply rooted. Language can be interpreted as a symbol of the human vocal system that used as a tool for thinking, forming we are mind, and to understand the mind of other person. Thought is place to process all information that we obtain and also place to process all Information that we want to utterance. The results of thought process and language we know as culture.

  106. Nurul Azmi Agisni

    1. Language and thought are included in the elements that make up a culture. When compared, language and culture are two different sides of the coin, but cannot be separated because language is a reflection of the culture and identity of the speaker's thoughts. So, language, thought and culture are closely related.

    2. Social The Social Basis of Language: Language is a social behavior learned in a social context, it is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning andlanguage teaching processes. psycholinguistics is related to the social aspects of language, including social identity.

  107. Siti Inaya
    TBI 6 C

    1. Social basic language
    2. Language and culture are intertwined. A particular language usually points out to a specific group of people. When you interact with another language, it means that you are also interacting with the culture that speaks the language. You cannot understand one's culture without accessing its language directly.
    3. The social function of language refers to the way we relate language to our relationships with other people. This means it's how we use language and how we communicate in a social setting.
