Tuesday, 28 September 2021


In this session, you learn about the definition of nouns, pronouns, and noun phrase, what they use and what their types are. Basically, this material almost given in each level of education. But, you will get more specifically including practices in this subject. THerefore, you could understand and be able to apply this kind of knowledge in your daily activity. To read more about this topic, you could open this PPT.  Do the practice for this topic by analysing the article in order to find out nouns, pronouns, and noun phrase. Write your answers in this comment column. 

 When October comes, we may recall the heinous attacks on Bali in 2001 and 2005 and their devastating impacts on the island's tourism – the backbone of its economy. It took Bali years to regain its feet, during which the government initiated a collective leave day policy to accelerate the recovery of the country’s most popular tourist destination. The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be more damaging for Bali, which is why the government’s plan to reopen the island for foreign tourists has been met with enthusiasm. In fact, pressure had been mounting on the government to implement the policy much earlier, turning a blind eye to the surge in infection cases that have prompted strict mobility curbs there. The pandemic has hit Bali very hard. Statistics Indonesia (BPS) data shows the province’s economy contracted 9.31 percent year-on-year last year, mostly due to its paralyzed tourism. Foreign tourist arrivals dropped sixfold from 6.2 million in 2019 to only 1 million in 2020 according to BPS, while Bank Indonesia found 92,000 people employed in tourism had lost their jobs in the same period. In disclosing the relieving news about Bali’s reopening, Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, whom President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo had entrusted to handle COVID-19 in Java and Bali, cited a significant decline in the number of new cases and hospital bed occupancy rate. Luhut said the pandemic was under control, as shown by the reproduction rate dropping to a record low of under 1. Bali and Java, remain in the level 3 category of public activity restrictions (PPKM) until Oct. 4, pending further notice. The status allows shopping malls, restaurants and movie theaters to operate at half capacity and offices at one-fourth capacity. Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno has indicated that Bali’s reopening may follow the model used by Phuket and Samui islands in Thailand, which Vietnam also plans to adopt on its idyllic Phu Quoc Island. The two Thai tourist resorts are limited only to vaccinated foreign tourists from low-risk countries, without the need to quarantine. Sandiaga also suggested a regional collaboration to form a tourism triangle between Bali, Phuket and Langkawi in Malaysia. Langkawi has so far been open to domestic tourists only. Indonesia is also considering accepting travelers from South Korea, Japan, Singapore and New Zealand when tourist destinations like Bali resume business. While no specific date for Bali’s reopening has been set, the government needs to make sure everybody involved in tourism has been vaccinated. The double-dose vaccination rate on the island has exceeded 70 percent, but increasing the figure would better protect both the local people and their guests. The government’s choice of a gradual instead of a full Bali reopening is worth commending. The ban on year-end holiday travel the central government is considering and the odd-even license plate policy the Bali government will impose will prevent crowds, which otherwise will kill the efforts to curb infections. Even if we long for Bali, we need to exercise caution as we have yet to win this COVID-19 war. Most Viewed Everybody misses Bali Singapore reports 1,443 COVID-19 cases on Saturday More than meets the eye in photo of orangutan ‘offering help’ to man Azis’ arrest spotlights persistent graft culture in political parties Democracy at stake as critics face civil, criminal lawsuits Challenges of home learning during a pandemic through the eyes of a student China's Chengxin, Tsingshan team up for $350 million Indonesia lithium project Five vitamins you need to support your liver Sun Cable to invest $2.5b in Indonesia for subsea power line 'KW' culture: Why imitation goods persist in Indonesia

This article was published in thejakartapost.com with the title "Everybody misses Bali". Click to read: https://www.thejakartapost.com/academia/2021/09/26/everybody-misses-bali.html.

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  1. sorry mrs permission to ask, so our task is to analyze the paragraph above? how to do it, is it just by writing words? words included in the material?

  2. Siti Fatimah
    TBI 1A

    October, Bali, foreign tourist, pressure, infection cases, statistics Indonesia (BPS), data, Bank Indonesia, people, tourism, jobs, economy, period, news, covid-19, Saturday, photo, orang utan, help, man, culture, parties, stake, critics face civil, hospital bed, Java, shopping malls, restaurants, movie theaters, Phuket, Samui island, Langkawi, Malaysia, domestic tourists, Indonesia, travelers, south Korea, japan, Singapore, new zaeland, business, date, everybody, local people, guests, War, projects, vitamins, liver, goods

    We, island's, its, it, province's, their, bali's, whom, which, president Joko, Jokowi, Luhut Panjaitan, Sandiaga Uno, government's, china's

    Phrase noun:
    The heinous attacks, devastating impact, the backbone, the government, a collective leave day policy, the recovery, most popular tourist destination, the covid-19 pandemic, the island, the policy, a blind eye, the surge, strict mobility, the pandemic, paralyzed tourism, tourist arrivals, the same period, the relieving news, a significant decline, the number of new cases, the reproduction rate, the status, the model, the two Thai tourist resorts, vaccinated foreign tourist, low-risk countries, a regionan collaboration, a tourism triangle, the double-dose vaccination rate , the figure, the local people, their guests, the government's choice, a gradual, a full Bali reopening, the ban, year-end holiday travel, the central government, the odd-even license plate policy, the Bali government, the efforts, the eye, photo of orang utan, a student,

  3. Name : Ana Rosita Alizah
    Class : 1 A TBI
    NIM : 211230013

    Noun : Bali, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, South Korea, Goverment, Tourist, Java, Covid 19, Langkawi Malaysia

    Pronoun: we, which, it, sandiaga Uno, president Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, whom

    Noun Phrase : The Goverments, the ban, the backbone of its economy, the policy, the covid 19 pandemic, the two thai, the model, the number, the island, the local people, the eye

  4. Name: Shinta Audri Fitriah
    Nim: 211230027

    Noun: guest, data, date, stake, travelers, culture, projects, government, tourist, economy, jobs, business, Phuket, period.

    Pronoun: we, whom, which, it, its, China's, government's, islands, their.

    Noun phrase: the island, a blind eye, the model, a student, the recovery, the pandemic, the status, the figure

  5. Name:Mumun munjiah
    NIM: 211230022
    class:1A TBI

    Noun: Bali,island,thailand,vietnam,bank indonesia,south korea,japan,singapure,new zealnd,malls,restaurants,movie theaters.

    Pronoun: we,it,its,has,president joko "jokowi",sandiaga uno,luhut panjaitan.

    Noun pharse: the heinous attackes,a collactive lave day policy,covid-19 pandemis, photo of orangutan,island in thailand.

  6. Nama: Ratu Virdy
    NIM: 211230006

    October, Bali, data, tourism, jobs,man, economy, period, news, covid-19, Saturday, photo, culture, parties, stake, orang utan, critics face civil, hospital bed, Java, shopping malls

    We, their, whom, which, Jokowi, Luhut Panjaitan, Sandiaga Uno, government's,

    Phrase noun:
    The heinous attacks, the backbone, the government, the covid-19 pandemic, a blind eye, the surge, paralyzed tourism, the relieving news, a significant decline, low-risk countries, photo of orang utan,

  7. wanda octaviani putri - 211230003

    October, Bali, infection cases, statistics Indonesia (BPS), data, Bank Indonesia, people, tourism, news, covid-19, Saturday, photo, help, man, culture, parties, stake, critics face civil, hospital bed, Java, shopping malls, restaurants, Phuket, Samui island, Langkawi, Malaysia, domestic tourists, Indonesia, travelers, south Korea, japan, Singapore, new zaeland, business, date, everybody, guests, War, projects, liver, goods

    We, island's, its, it, province's, their, bali's, whom, which, president Joko, Jokowi, Luhut Panjaitan, Sandiaga Uno, government's

    noun phrase:
    the recovery, most popular tourist destination, the covid-19 pandemic, the island, the policy, a blind eye, the surge, strict mobility, the pandemic, paralyzed tourism, tourist arrivals, the same period, the relieving news, a significant decline, the number of new cases, the reproduction rate, the status, the model, the two Thai tourist resorts, vaccinated foreign tourist,

  8. Nama : zaenisaa kamiilah ramadhan
    Nim : 211230026

    Noun : bali,foreign tourist,pressure,face civil,malaysia,japan,korea,phuket,langkawi,local people,date, everybody, vitamins,liver,goods,samui island,hospital bed,java, covid 19, war,shopping malls,south, culture,new zealand,

    Prounoun: we,island,its,it,their,bali's, sandiaga uno,china's,whom, joko, jokowi ,luhut panjaitan,sandiaga uno,government's, which.

    pharase noun :
    The heinous attacks, devastating impact, the backbone, the government, a collective leave day policy, the recovery, most popular tourist destination, the covid-19 pandemic, the island, the policy, a blind eye, the surge, strict mobility, the pandemic, paralyzed tourism, tourist arrivals, the same period, the relieving news, a significant decline, the number of new cases, the reproduction rate, the status, the model, the two Thai tourist resorts, vaccinated foreign tourist, low-risk countries, a regionan collaboration, a tourism triangle, the double-dose vaccination rate , the figure, the local people, their guests, the government's choice, a gradual, a full Bali reopening, the ban, year-end holiday travel, the central government, the odd-even license plate policy, the Bali government, the efforts, the eye, photo of orang utan, a student,

  9. Nama : siti afifah faziah
    Nim : 211230025

    the island’s tourism, bali, the covid-19, the government’s, Indonesia, thailand, vietnam, president jokowi dodo, luhut, phuket and samui island, japan, new zealand, people, china, student, policy, jobs, singapore,tourist, java, ecomomy, eye, bank indonesia, public activity restrictions (PPKM), malls, restaurants, movie theaters, creative economy Minister Sandiaga Uno, langkawi, quarantine, trevelers, south korea, culture.

    We, it, which, whom, otherwise, everybody, their

    Noun phrases
    turning a blind , number of new case, reopening is worth commending, the eyes of the student, event if we long for bali, to man azis, photo of orangutan, the pandemic.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Name : Widda Agustina
    NIM : 211230018
    TBI 1A

    1. Noun :
    October, We, Bali, Tourism, Foreign, Statistics Indonesia, Bank Indonesia, shopping malls, restaurants, movie theaters, Hospital, Java, Phuket and Samui islands, Thailand, Vietnam, Resorts, Langkawi, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand.

    2. Pronoun :
    Their devastating impacts, Its economy, It took Bali, The province’s economy, The country’s, Their jobs, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, Sandiaga Uno, Everybody involved, Their guests, The government’s, Everybody misses Bali.

    3. Noun phrase :
    The heinous attacks, The government, The backbone, The COVID-19 pandemic, A blind eye, Strict mobility, The same period, The relieving news, A significant decline, New cases, Idyllic Phu Quoc Island, Vaccinated foreign tourists, Specific date, The local people, The central government.

  12. Name : Uswatun Hasanah
    NIM : 211230024
    Class: 1A

    1. Noun
    • the government
    • october
    • Bali
    • foreign tourist
    • infection cases
    • statistics Indonesia (BPS)
    • blind eye
    • surge
    • people
    • news
    • economy
    • bank
    • job
    • stake
    • period
    • photo
    • man
    • critics face civil
    • Luhut Binsar Panjaitan
    • Joko Widodo
    • Java
    • hospital bed
    • business
    • date
    • vitamins
    • liver
    • shopping malls
    • restaurant
    • movie theaters
    • at half capacity an office at one-fourth capacity
    • Sandiaga uno
    • Singapore
    • South Korean
    • Japan
    • New Zealand

    2. Pronoun
    • it took bali
    • China's
    • their guests
    • which is why the governments
    • its paralyzed tourism
    • Bali's reopening
    • its idyllic Phu Quoc island
    • the country's
    • its economy
    • which Vietnam also
    • control bali's
    • we have yet

    3. Pronoun phrase
    • when october comes
    • the heinous attack on bali in 2001 and 2005
    • on the islands
    • devastating impact
    • the backbone
    • the covid 19 pandemic
    • the policy
    • of the country's
    • the same period
    • the relieving news
    • the tourism triangle
    • phukat and samsui island in thailand
    • phukat and langkawi in Malaysia

  13. Name: Muhammad Syauqi Octavari Ar-raihan
    Nim : 211230009

    October, Bali, foreign tourist, pressure, infection cases, statistics Indonesia (BPS), data, Bank Indonesia, people, tourism, jobs, economy, period, news, covid-19, Saturday, photo, orang utan, help, man, culture, parties, stake, critics face civil, hospital bed, Java, shopping malls, restaurants, movie theaters, Phuket, Samui island, Langkawi, Malaysia, domestic tourists, Indonesia, travelers, south Korea, japan, Singapore, new zaeland, business, date, everybody, local people, guests, War, projects, vitamins, liver, goods

    We, island's, its, it, province's, their, bali's, whom, which, president Joko, Jokowi, Luhut Panjaitan, Sandiaga Uno, government's, china's

    Phrase noun:
    The heinous attacks, devastating impact, the backbone, the government, a collective leave day policy, the recovery, most popular tourist destination, the covid-19 pandemic, the island, the policy, a blind eye, the surge, strict mobility, the pandemic, paralyzed tourism, tourist arrivals, the same period, the relieving news, a significant decline, the number of new cases, the reproduction rate, the status, the model, the two Thai tourist resorts, vaccinated foreign tourist, low-risk countries, a regionan collaboration, a tourism triangle, the double-dose vaccination rate , the figure, the local people, their guests, the government's choice, a gradual, a full Bali reopening, the ban, year-end holiday travel, the central government, the odd-even license plate policy, the Bali government, the efforts, the eye, photo of orang utan, a student,

  14. Name: hayatun nufus
    NIM : 211230021
    1). NOUN: October, Bali, data, Bank Indonesia, people, tourism, jobs, economy, period, news, Saturday, photo, statistics Indonesia (BPS), covid-19, orang utan, help, hospital bed, Java, shopping malls, man, culture, stake, Phuket, Samui island, Langkawi, Malaysia, indonesia, critics face civil, restaurants, travelers, south Korea, japan, Singapore, new zaeland, business, date, everybody, local people, guests, War, projects, vitamins, liver, goods

    2). PRONUOUN: We, island's, its, it, their, bali's, whom, which, Jokowi, Luhut Panjaitan, Sandiaga Uno, government's, china's

    3). PHARSE NOUN: The heinous attacks, devastating impact, the backbone, the recovery, most popular tourist destination, the covid-19 pandemic, the island, a collective leave day policy, the policy, a blind eye, the surge, strict mobility, the pandemic, the relieving news, a significant decline, the number of new cases, paralyzed tourism, the status, a tourism triangle,vaccinated foreign tourist, low-risk countries, a gradual, a full Bali reopening, the ban, their guests, the government's choice, year-end holiday travel, the central government, the odd-even license plate policy, the Bali government, the efforts, photo of orang utan, the eye

  15. Name : adzra billaizah
    Nim. : 211230016

    Noun :
    Bali, statistics Indonesia, bank Indonesia, covid 19 ,Saturday ,photo,orang utan, Java ,shopping malls, restaurants ,movie teather , Malaysia, Japan ,Singapore ,new Zealand,Indonesia

    Pronoun :
    We ,islands,their ,whom ,which , Sandiaga Uno, Luhut Panjaitan, government's

    Noun phrase : the covid 19 pandemic,the island, the surge ,the same period , the number ,the status ,the model ,the two Thai,the eye ,the local people

  16. Name: syifa fauziah
    TBI A

    1. Noun:
    October, Bali, foreign tourist, pressure, infection cases, statistics Indonesia (BPS), data, Bank Indonesia, people, tourism, jobs, economy, period, news, covid-19, Saturday, photo, orang utan, help, man, culture, parties, stake, critics face civil, hospital bed, Java, shopping malls, restaurants, movie theaters, Phuket, Samui island, Langkawi, Malaysia, domestic tourists, Indonesia, travelers, south Korea, japan, Singapore, new zaeland, business, date, everybody, local people, guests, War, projects, vitamins, liver, goods.

    2. Pronoun:
    We,which, whom, you, island's, its, it, province's, their, bali's, whom, which, president Joko, Jokowi, Luhut Panjaitan, Sandiaga Uno, government's, china's.

    3. Phrase noun:
    The heinous attacks, devastating impact, the backbone, the government, a collective leave day policy, the recovery, most popular tourist destination, the covid-19 pandemic, the island, the policy, a blind eye, the surge, strict mobility, the pandemic, paralyzed tourism, tourist arrivals, the same period, the relieving news, a significant decline, the number of new cases, the reproduction rate, the status, the model, the two Thai tourist resorts, vaccinated foreign tourist, low-risk countries, a regionan collaboration, a tourism triangle, the double-dose vaccination rate , the figure, the local people, their guests, the government's choice, a gradual, a full Bali reopening, the ban, year-end holiday travel, the central government, the odd-even license plate policy, the Bali government, the efforts, the eye, photo of orang utan, a student.

  17. Septi Qinqin

    1. Noun
    October, Bali, foreign tourist, pressure, statistics Indonesia (BPS), data, Bank Indonesia, people, tourism,economy,photo, orang utan, man, parties, stake, critics face civil, hospital bed, Java, shopping malls, restaurants, movie theaters, Phuket, Samui island, Langkawi, Malaysia, domestic tourists, Indonesia, travelers, south Korea, japan, Singapore, new zaeland, business, local people,projects, vitamins, liver,

    2. Pronoun
    We, island's, its, it, province's, their, bali's, whom, which, president Joko, Jokowi, Luhut Panjaitan, Sandiaga Uno, government's, china's

    3. Noun phrases
    The heinous attacks, devastating impact, the backbone, the government, the recovery, most popular tourist destination, the covid-19 pandemic, the island, the policy, a blind eye, the surge, strict mobility, the pandemic, paralyzed tourism, tourist arrivals, the same period, the relieving news, a significant decline, the number of new cases, the reproduction rate, the status, the model, the two Thai tourist resorts, vaccinated foreign tourist, low-risk countries, a regionan collaboration, a tourism triangle, the double-dose vaccination rate , the figure, the local people, their guests, the government's choice, a gradual, a full Bali reopening, the ban, year-end holiday travel, the central government, the odd-even license plate policy, the Bali government, the efforts, the eye, photo of orang utan, a student,

  18. Nama : Mauizatul Khasanah
    NIM : 211230020

    NOUN : October, bali, java, data, parties, culture, statistics Indonesia, malaysia, singapore, shopping malls, stake, restaurants, bussiness, Samui Island, photo, hospital bed.

    PRONOUN : Their, it, we, its, whom, which, president joko, jokowi, sandiaga uno

    NOUN PHRASE : The Covid-19 Pandemic, the backbone, a blind eye, the goverment, a gradual, the surge, tourist arrivals, the recovery, the island, strict mobility, paralyzed tourism, vaccinated foreign tourist, a significant decline.


  19. Nama:Pita Septi Tri Amalia

    Noun : bali,foreign tourist,pressure,face civil,malaysia,japan,korea,phuket,langkawi,local people,date, everybody, vitamins,liver,goods,samui island,hospital bed,java, covid 19, war,shopping malls,south, culture,new zealand,

    We, island's, its, it, province's, their, bali's, whom, which, president Joko, Jokowi, Luhut Panjaitan, Sandiaga Uno, government's, china's

    Phrase noun:
    The heinous attacks, devastating impact, the backbone, the government, a collective leave day policy, the recovery, most popular tourist destination, the covid-19 pandemic, the island, the policy, a blind eye, the surge, strict mobility, the pandemic, paralyzed tourism, tourist arrivals, the same period, the relieving news, a significant decline, the number of new cases, the reproduction rate, the status, the model, the two Thai tourist resorts, vaccinated foreign tourist, low-risk countries, a regionan collaboration, a tourism triangle, the double-dose vaccination rate , the figure, the local people, their guests, the government's choice, a gradual, a full Bali reopening, the ban, year-end holiday travel, the central government, the odd-even license plate policy, the Bali government, the efforts, the eye, photo of orang utan

  20. Nama : Yati nurhayati
    Nim : 211230029

    October, Bali, foreign tourist, pressure, infection cases, statistics Indonesia (BPS), data, Bank Indonesia, people, tourism, jobs, economy, period, news, covid-19, Saturday, photo, orang utan, help, man, culture, parties, stake, critics face civil, hospital bed, Java, shopping malls, restaurants, movie theaters, Phuket, Samui island, Langkawi, Malaysia, domestic tourists, Indonesia, travelers, south Korea, japan, Singapore, new zaeland, business, date, everybody, local people, guests, War, projects, vitamins, liver, goods, Vietnam,Thailand,China,Sandiaga uno,Joko widodo

    We, island's, it, province's, bali's, whom, which, president Joko, Luhut Panjaitan, china's,its, their, government's,

    Phrase noun:
    Devastating impact, the backbone, the government, The heinous attacks,a collective leave day policy, the recovery, most popular tourist destination, the island, the policy, a blind eye, the surge, strict mobility, the pandemic, paralyzed tourism, tourist arrivals, the same period, the relieving news, a significant decline, the covid-19 pandemic, the number of new cases, the reproduction rate, the status, the two Thai tourist resorts, vaccinated foreign tourist, a tourism triangle, the double-dose vaccination rate , the figure, the local people, their guests, the government's choice, the odd-even license plate policy, the model, a gradual, a full Bali reopening, the ban, year-end holiday travel, the Bali government, the efforts, the eye, photo of orang utan, a student,the central government,low-risk countries, a regionan collaboration

  21. Name : ainur rohmah
    Nim : 211230019

    October,Bali, government,covid-19,tourist,jokowidodo,Luhut, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia,Sandiaga Uno, Indonesia,Java

    We,it,its,which,is,has,their,whom, everybody,both,province's,islands, country's, government's,

    •Noun Pharse
    The heinous attacks,the covid-19 pandemi,the backbone,the island,the same periode,the Bali government,the figure,the eye,the local people, photo of orangutan,a student

  22. Nama: afiatul hasanah
    Nim: 211230017

    Noun: bali, government, tourist, covid'19, jokowi dodo, luhut, thailand, Vietnam, sandiaga, Malaysia, Singapore, manajiz, china, Indonesia.

    Pronoun: we, it, it's, which, is, has, more, most, much, that, have, mostly, their whom, everybody, both, you, your, government's, bali's

    Noun phrase: October, bali, the government, the island, the covid 19 pandemic, the effort, a blind eye, the local people, the police, the same priode, the central government, the bali governments, their guest, the model.

  23. Andini Eka Prastiwi
    TBI 1A

    Noun: October, Bali, Bank Indonesia, statistourism, Saturday, shopping malls, restaurants, movie theaters, hospital bed, Phuket, New Zealand, Samui island, Java, south Korea, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Langkawi, Malaysia, foreign tourist, domestic tourist, man, local people, guests, everybody, covid-19, period, culture, critics face civil, war, business, projects, date.

    Pronoun: We, their, whom, which, it's, it, government's, president Joko, Jokowi, Luhut Panjaitan, Sandiaga Uno.

    Phrase Noun: The heinous attacks, the backbone, the government, the recovery, the covid-19, the pandemic, the status, the number of new cases, the island, the policy, the reproduction rate, the figure, the model, the local people, the two Thai tourist resorts, the central government, the Bali government, the same period, the relieving news, the odd-even license plate policy, the eye, the efforts, the surge.

  24. Name : Annisa Waghfirliyana
    Nim : 211230023

    -Noun : October, Bali, COVID-19, Bank Indonesia, Jokowi, Java, Luhut Binsar Panjahitan, Shopping Mall, Restaurant, Hospital, Movie Theaters, Tourism, Sandiaga Uno, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, Saturday.

    -Pronoun : We, It, Which, Whom, That, Their.

    -Noun Phrase : The island's tourism, The country most popular tourist destination, The pandemic was under control, The two Thai tourist resort, The local people, Students China chengxin, The reproduction rate, The Bali government.

  25. Nama : Aep Saepullah
    NIM : 211230011

    NOUNS : Bali, Jokowi , Malaysia, thailand, the double-doses vaccination rate, Statistics Indonesia {BPS}

    PRONOUNS : We, it, its

    NOUNS PHRASE: The heinous attacks, the government, the COVID-19 Pandemic, The two Thai tourist resorts, a significant decline, strict mobility

  26. Nabila Salsabila 1A (211230010)

    • NOUN = October , Bali , we , tourist destination , The Covid-19 pandemic , island , Bank Indonesia , President , Jokowi , Luhut , Java , Tourism , Sandiaga Uno , Thailand , Vietnam , Vaccinated , Countries , Quarantine , Phuket , Langkawi , Malaysia , Domestic , South Korea , Japan ,Singapore , New Zeland , Government , Kill , Policy , Infections , Everybody , Saturday , Photo , Orangutan , Student , China , Chengxin , Tsingshan , $350 million , $2.5b

    • PRONOUN = Their , The pandemic , Also , its , Everybody , We , While , When , The two Thai tourist ,

    • NOUN PHRASE = The backbone of its economy , The government , The pandemic , The island , The relieving news about balis's opening , Bali's reopening has been set , Bali resume business , The ban on year and holiday , The odd-even license plate Policy ,

  27. Name : Aulia Suciawati
    Nim : 211230001
    Class : 1-A TBI

    Nouns : October, Bali, Policy, the island, the surge, the backbone,economy, pandemic, Bank Indonesia, Luhut Binasar Panjahitan, President Joko, jokowi widodo covid 19, Java, Tourism, Sandiaga uno, Phuket, Langkawi, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, New Zaeland, guest.

    Pronouns : we, it, their, it's, which, why, that, there, whom, wgile, when, everybody

    Nouns phrase : the heinous attacks, their devasting impact, the island's tourism, a collective leave day, tourist destination, the covid 19 pandemic, the goverments plan, foregin tourist, a blind eye, infaction cases, the provinces economy, the two thai tourist, it's idyllict Phu Qouch Island, the odd even license, a student china's chengxin, imitation goods.

  28. Name: Siti Nurhakiki
    NIM: 211230028
    Class: 1A Tadris bahasa Inggris

    Noun: October, Bali, Java, Joko Widodo, covid-19, hospital, bed, shopping malls, restaurants, movie theaters, Sandiaga Uno, islands, Phuket, Samui, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Langkawi, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan, Singapure, new Zealand, orang utan, man, Azis, vitamins, liver.

    Pronoun: their, we, whom, there, while, which, it, it's.

    Noun phrase: the heinous attack, a blind eye, strict mobility, the covid-19 pandemic, the double dose, specific date, photo of orang utan.

  29. Amelia Putri
    TBI 1A

    Nouns :
    October, Bali, island, government, tourist, The Covid-19, Statistics Indonesia (BPS), Bank Indonesia, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, President Joko Widodo, Java, shopping malls, restaurants, movie theaters, Sandiaga Uno, Phuket & Samui Island (Thailand), Phu Quoc Island (Vietnam), Langkawi (Malaysia), South Korea, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, Orang Utan, Azis, Pandemic.

    Pronouns :
    We, It's The, Their, It, Bali's, Whom, Which, Chinas's, That

    Noun Phrases :
    The Covid-19 Pandemic, The heinous attacks, the two thai tourist resort, the goverments plan, the island's, a blind eye, the odd even license, student China's Chengxin, The policy, the island's tourism, the member of new cases, the relieving news.

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